Published May 29, 2008
labrador4122, RN
1,921 Posts
I know my mom is at risk of CVA.
And I want to help but don't know how.
She is very non-compliant with cholesterol medication, she drinks tons of coffee with cream and sugar, and her portions are at least 3x what they should be.
what can I do to help her?
what kind of foods should I start buying for her?
her # is 357 cholesterol.
She is very nervous about everything, she says she feels palpitations in her head and feels as if someone is pulling her hair all the time.
what can I do??
I need major advice and support.
thank you for understanding
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
I feel for you, a lot of us here have noncompliant relatives and friends.
Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do except be there if and when she's ready to change. She has to want to do it, and (sorry to say) it may take a major event like a CVA or MI to get her to do it. Just because you buy the right things for her doesn't mean she's going to do it, and if you try to force her then she will cheat when you're not looking.
11 Posts
I feel for you, a lot of us here have noncompliant relatives and friends.Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do except be there if and when she's ready to change. She has to want to do it, and (sorry to say) it may take a major event like a CVA or MI to get her to do it. Just because you buy the right things for her doesn't mean she's going to do it, and if you try to force her then she will cheat when you're not looking.
You are so right, Tazzi. I lived this truth the last 10 years of my father's life. All it did was pit Dad against me and give me high BP.
Is there anyone who your Mom will listen to? I imagine you and her Doc have read her the riot act already. Does she know stroke victims? Bring her to a nursing home and scare the beejeezus out of her? This is your future, MOM if you don't shape up? Nothing worked with Dad and he died anyway. Totally noncompliant and he lived to 95 years. So who was wrong. I do what I'm told in will probably never see 95!
If there is any magic way to make a an uncompliant person compliant I don't know it.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
There is no magic way for the noncompliant. Perhaps going with her to the doctor? Acting as a support person if and when she wants to change? Doesn't seem like much, but may make the difference. Take care of yourself.
482 Posts
I've never seen coffee consumption named as a risk factor for stroke. Good thing too. It's an essential nutrient as far as I'm concerned!
Here's the best source of information about stroke on the web that I know of:
American Stroke Association