I'm an lpn at a memory care currently so I of course deal with many kinds of psychotropics but was not thinking clearly when this med was given to me...I suffer from migraines and the other day had one so severe I went to the er. I had done this once before and a mix of iv benadryl and reglan did not help just morphine. I told the doc this info this past time, and he ended up ordering me a 5mg im shot of droperidol. The pain was so severe I didn't question it or ask questions but the nurse said to me, you should feel better soon he gave you a higher dose than usual. Shot was given and knocked me out so I didn't feel the pain anymore. Got home from the er at ten pm and was passed out within five mins again. I woke up twice the next day, once to call in and once to return a call from my boss. I then slept til ten pm that night when I finally dragged myself out of bed to eat then went back to sleep til 7am. So that's about 30-32 hrs of sleep. I can't describe it any other way other than I was "snowed". Literally. What a terrible feeling, tried to get oob but could not do it. Felt like I was watching myself try to do things. Trapped in my own mind basically. After looking into this drug its an antiemetic, antipsychotic, and one other thing I can't remember possibly antidoperagonist? Anyway, everything I read says to start initial dose at 2.5mg, Im or iv, then increase by 1.25mg. Also says to monital blood pressure which was done right before I was discharged and not any other time. For some reason I'm just bothered by this. I guess because I missed a day of work taking care of my residents because I was too doped up to go in. Anyone heard of this given for migraines? Sorry for the novel this just happened Sunday and has been on my mind!