Curious about something...Anyone heard of droperidol given for migraines?


I'm an lpn at a memory care currently so I of course deal with many kinds of psychotropics but was not thinking clearly when this med was given to me...I suffer from migraines and the other day had one so severe I went to the er. I had done this once before and a mix of iv benadryl and reglan did not help just morphine. I told the doc this info this past time, and he ended up ordering me a 5mg im shot of droperidol. The pain was so severe I didn't question it or ask questions but the nurse said to me, you should feel better soon he gave you a higher dose than usual. Shot was given and knocked me out so I didn't feel the pain anymore. Got home from the er at ten pm and was passed out within five mins again. I woke up twice the next day, once to call in and once to return a call from my boss. I then slept til ten pm that night when I finally dragged myself out of bed to eat then went back to sleep til 7am. So that's about 30-32 hrs of sleep. I can't describe it any other way other than I was "snowed". Literally. What a terrible feeling, tried to get oob but could not do it. Felt like I was watching myself try to do things. Trapped in my own mind basically. After looking into this drug its an antiemetic, antipsychotic, and one other thing I can't remember possibly antidoperagonist? Anyway, everything I read says to start initial dose at 2.5mg, Im or iv, then increase by 1.25mg. Also says to monital blood pressure which was done right before I was discharged and not any other time. For some reason I'm just bothered by this. I guess because I missed a day of work taking care of my residents because I was too doped up to go in. Anyone heard of this given for migraines? Sorry for the novel this just happened Sunday and has been on my mind!

I'm definitely not drug seeking! Thanks for the feedback everyone. I have a Dr appt tomorrow to look into daily preventive meds cuz prns like imitrex don't work so I've got no choice! And yes it was the worst feeling ever and I too felt like I was never gunna snap out of the feeling of being trapped in my own body and mind! Hopefully I can get my migraines figured out, definitely do not want to go through something like this again!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
I was given it for refractory vomiting last summer. All I know is that I thought I was dying, so I would've taken anything the MD offered. I remember the MD explaining that I needed to have an EKG prior to receiving it, and remain on a continuous tele monitor. I can say that I didn't vomit again after the med, but that might be because of how doped up it made me. It sort of felt like an EPS reaction when Reglan's IVP is given too fast; I wanted to jump out of my skin, but was too exhausted to move, let alone jump :)

^ Must've gotten the same thing with my migraine and complex regional pain syndrome exacerbation...same scenario happend...haven't had one since then. Slept for like two days...recovered aroung the 4th day.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I am sorry you were not feeling well......Droperidol is a migraine that is used less frequently sine the warning about this class of drug and reported arrhythmia's related to long QT.

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I hope you feel better...thread closed.

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