CTCCNP 2016 Applicants

U.S.A. Connecticut


Hello All! I wanted to start a new thread for all of the Connecticut Community College Fall 2016 applicants. The deadline is a month away!! Lets share our scores and hope that all of our hard work and dedication will pay off!!!

Nursing GPA 3.55

Teas 74.7

AP 1 B

i wish I had done better on the Teas and in AP, but whats done is done and all I can do now is pray! I have selected Norwalk CC as my first choice and Gateway as my second. I am excited to hear from you all !I hope we all make it!!!

Does anyone know when we should be hearing about the decisions ?
According to past years history and the commnet site, we should be hearing some time in April.

The waiting game stinks

The waiting game stinks

Tell me about it. Having to answer "not til April" every time someone asks if I've heard anything is getting old.

april is close , yet so far away!!

The wait is killing me...so worried that my scores are not good enough. I can't tell based on last years acceptances

The schedule for Gateway first year nursing students is:

lecture Mon & Tue 4-6

Lab Wed & Thur 3-10

Clinical Wed & Thur 3-10

Labs run the first few weeks and then switch over to clinical

The program asks for people to volunteer for day clinical.

my nursing GPA 4.0

AP 1 A

TEAS 74.4

the program is intense, good luck to all of you!

Has anyone heard anything new about acceptance into the program at CCC?

According to last year, no one heard back until around April 13th....the anxiety!!!!!!!

I feel like the next 2 weeks are going to be the longest weeks ever!

I'm so excited yet so restless...I don't think I'm going to calm down until I know an answer haha. Its making my focus on my spring courses (A&P II and a random psych course I took to fill some time) very difficult! The holiday craziness with Easter helped take my mind off of it but now the wait is sure to be agonizingly slow! Good luck everyone!

Seriously, on the one hand I can't believe it's only two weeks til we find out, and on the other I don't know what I'm going to do with myself until then.

its april!!!!!! hopefully we hear back soon!

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