CT tech lpn program

U.S.A. Connecticut



I just got accepted into vinal tech lpn program starting in jan 2011. did anyone else get into the program?

If not, did anyone just graduate from the program? i need all the info i can get. This my first step to becoming an RN. happy!

Hello all,

how is it going so far. I have a lot to read and a test to study for. We don't start clinicals until april. Please reply back and let me know how it's going. Take care

We have our first big exam next week, we actually have four tests next week: Med Terms, Healthcare and delivery, then of course fundamentals: Infection control, environment and ergonomics, protective devices. Plus our bio exam. im loving what we are learning, and wished we were further, but due to the snowstorms we had to miss a couple of days and are consequently behind. Good luck on your exam,

hi all. I hope you guys are doing great. School is good but I hate that I have to go all those days. I can't wait to start clinicals..what about you guys

Im doing fabulous:D!!! Im really enjoying myself, we start clinicals in a few weeks(after spring break) and I can't wait. i was kinda disappointed to find out this semester we can't pass meds, but now I really can't wait for the fall!!!

Im cramming (not really ) for my tests next week in pharm, med math, and fundamentals. How is school going so far for you?

am doing well in class. Did you take an exam on assessment yet? That's my next exam and I think it's going to be hard.

hello all. Did any of you start clinicals?

Specializes in Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

Us at Lincoln Tech in New Britain started clinical Friday.

oh ok. How is it. Where is ur clinicals?

Specializes in Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

They split us up into groups of 10, and my clinical site is in West Hartford at West Hartford Health and Rehab. We have primarily patients with dementia, many of which need complete care, so it will be very hands on! It should be a really great experience though. This will be my site for about 3 months, then we change. We haven't really done much yet, just toured the place and got to see what wing we are on, but next week we will be assigned our first patient.

Class is going really well, we've had our first fundamentals exam, and this week we will have our third A&P exam so it's just been pure study study study, but I'm sure that's the trend around here! We do a lot NCLEX style practice questions for homework which I personally think are a great way to prepare for the NCLEX. I want to get an NCLEX practice book soon to study with.

sounds like you guys have a good program. I don't have to take bio and we had about 3 foundamentals exam. Our clinicals don't start until ending of april. I usually practice some of the questions in the nclex myself. We also get a lot of homework and it's annoying. When do u finish with the program?

Specializes in Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

It's a 12 month program, so early March of 2012 I'll be done and boy, I cannot wait for that time to come, haha.

How about you?

our program ends june 2012. I can't wait. But we get the summer off! Thank God!

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