U.S.A. Nevada


Anyone here applying for fall? :)

Just to let you all know I just called and they received 123 applications for the regular track and are accepting 104 and will not make calls until the end of April. In case any of you we're curious :) best of luck to all of you that applied!

Hi, I've been creeping around these posts for some time now and I figured it was about time I signed in!! Tgibs8y, did they say why they're only selecting 104? I was under the impression the program accepted up to 136?? Just curious. Best of luck to all of us!!

Sdicus3: I am not sure why only 104. I thought it was 136 also so I'm not too sure I didn't even think to ask why.

i just called and asked them. They confirmed the numbers you said above (that they're taking 104). I said "I thought you took 130 something..?". She responded "nope. 104". So I don't know if that's the max that they'll be accepting (because that's the max of the program)? Or if that's the amount of the qualified applicants. She didn't say, and I didn't ask. Thanks for all the info, guys!

Hi guys, I decided to join your posts as I also applied for Fall 2013. 104 out of 123 doesn't sound like a bad probability. I was wondering how many point did you get? I think I have 28.

Hi guys, I decided to join your posts as I also applied for Fall 2013. 104 out of 123 doesn't sound like a bad probability. I was wondering how many point did you get? I think I have 28.

hey Juice! Welcome to the thread!

It doesn't sound too bad to me either. I have 29 points. I was told "you've got nothing to worry about". So...I'm going off of that and trying not to stress. If you're curious, you can read what the cut off was for past semesters by going into the previous threads. It's a lot of info to go through, but its in there somewhere! :yes:

They used to take more. Maybe they are having filling positions? You can only have 8 students per clinical, so maybe some teachers are leaving or switching to a different semester.

I was also thinking maybe they don't have as many professors for fall semester... I applied with 26 points... So I am of course stressing :/

My clinical instructor is leaving after this semester and she currently teaches 3 sections (24 students). It's a shame because she's awesome! Maybe they don't have replacements? I also know of another clinical instructor that quit just before spring break!

Lost two instructors! Oh no! I hope we are left with good instructors, as it usually makes or breaks class. How is school going for you so far, Christina? I was under the impression that we wouldnt know until mid May, so waiting until the end of April is a little more tolerable. As far as points go Juice2013, I think I had 30, if my calculations were right.

Lost two instructors! Oh no! I hope we are left with good instructors as it usually makes or breaks class. How is school going for you so far, Christina? I was under the impression that we wouldnt know until mid May, so waiting until the end of April is a little more tolerable. As far as points go Juice2013, I think I had 30, if my calculations were right.[/quote']

I'm sure you will have great instructors, there are still plenty of good ones left :). The semester is going great so far! I am constantly being challenged and I'm learning new things every day. I start at a new clinical facility tomorrow and I'm really excited! It is not easy but when you put the time into the work and it pays off with good grades, it's really worth it. I have had to sacrifice work and my social life, but it will pay off in the end.

With the amount of applicants they took in, I'm sure that you will get in. I'm actually glad that they are accepting less people now. They were putting out WAY too many graduates each semester. It's also nice that the bar isn't quite so high anymore. When I first became interested in this program a few years ago, they were getting 300+ applicants and the point cutoff was between 26-28 for a few semesters. It was getting a bit too competitive and I'm glad it's turning around. I hope you all gets good news soon! The wait is tough but just wait and see, the work is even tougher! :)

Yes, there are sooo many new grads and Im concerned there are a lack of jobs, but we just have to work hard and remain positive. CSN takes in a lot more students compared to NSC BSN program, which I plan to bridge into. I do know the social life will be put on hold while in school and I am totally prepared for that! Good luck in your new facility! It s very exciting indeed!

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