CSN Fall 2015

U.S.A. Nevada


CSN Fall 2015 - Discussion area for our cohort Welcome!!

They will accept a print out from your transaction page from mycsn...if you print that Internet page it should have your name and nshe id up too....or screenshot the page if it's easier for you.

ok I'll try that. Thank you.

I attended the orientations in November and January as an alternate for Spring of 2015...we pretty much covered lots of different things. Last half, the chosen drew numbers to select options for "grouped classes". BTW, have you joined FB's Group for Fall 2015?

I attended the orientations in November and January as an alternate for Spring of 2015...we pretty much covered lots of different things. Last half, the chosen drew numbers to select options for "grouped classes". BTW, have you joined FB's Group for Fall 2015?

Did everyone join the Fall Nursing CSN Group page on FB...here's the link if you didn't.

Look for CSN Nursing Students Fall 2015

What schedule option did you sign up for?


What schedule option did you sign up for?


I chose option #19. I tried signing up for the classes on mycsn but it didn't let me... Did anyone have a similar problem?

I was told that we can't register until the 21st, and yes I had the same problem.

I chose option #17 and Wednesday 8a pharmacology. A lot of the options overlap with each other so I'm guessing a lot of us will still have classes together (my option only had 2 slots and I doubt/hope there won't be only one other person in my classes haha).

Anyone else having issues trying to register for pharm125?

I'm having issues registering for nurs 101 -_-

Has you major officially changed to Nursing AAS? When we registered last semester we were told to wait until the major changed over and once it did then we would be able to register....if it has changed and you are experiencing the error I would definitely contact our program administration...those ladies are very helpful

Any idea on how to register for the toolbox classes in July? I was selected as an alternate, but got the call and I'm officially in, signed the papers today í ½í¸ƒí ½í¸ƒ !!! I really want to take them (if they're not full already...). Thanks!

Toolbox is listed as NURS 285 I believe...just go onto mycsn and register like any other class. the book for the class is under 10 bucks at the bookstore.

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