Criminal Record Letter Georgia BON

Nurses Criminal


I am a recent graduate and I have a criminal record. The Board of Nursing in Georgia requires a letter of explanation along with my final disposition. I don't know how to write the letter because they didn't give details and I'm not sure what they want. Do they want to know matter-of-fact what happened, or what I learned, how I've changed, etc? Any help is so appreciated. Thank you all!

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Good evening! I have moved your post to the Licensure with Criminal History forum to ensure maximum responses. Best of luck!

From what I've seen on these boards, its best to get specialty legal help and guidance with these types of things. Doing it "wrong" can get you rejected outright or cause significant delays in your acceptance.

Specializes in pediatrics; PICU; NICU.

If you go into the "Nurse Beth" forum (under the career tab) & scroll to page 2, she has a response on how to write a letter to the BON.

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