CPNRE June - July 2018

World Canada CRNE


Hey guys! I'm writing the CPNRE in a few days and I just wanted to create an updated CPNRE forum for 2018.

I've been studying the 4th and 5th prep guide and took the predictor test (disappointing results). I've been torturing myself that I will fail the exam and my peers will all pass. But I am trying to overcome the negative thoughts!!!

Let's share some tips and update on test results!

I wrote June 14th in Nova Scotia. Recieved my results yesterday via email!! Passed!

Congrats on passing

ahh thats exciting, anyone in Ontario find out

did u get yours rini?

Nope..not yet..im in the waiting group too!!

when/where did you guys write?

I wrote on 14th june in sudbury..

I wrote on 23rd from Calgary is there anyone wrote on the same date?

Did anybody reveive results in brampton ??

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