Updated: Oct 24, 2022 Published Oct 20, 2022
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Quote "The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously Thursday, October 20, 2022, to add COVID-19 vaccination to its panel of routine immunizations for both kids and adults. Updated schedules don't mandate vaccination or prevent unvaccinated kids from attending school."
"The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously Thursday, October 20, 2022, to add COVID-19 vaccination to its panel of routine immunizations for both kids and adults. Updated schedules don't mandate vaccination or prevent unvaccinated kids from attending school."
For more on this, go to CDC Advisors Endorse Adding COVID Shots to Vax Schedule
Guttercat, ASN, RN
1,353 Posts
The "hot stove" topic. I am not surprised no one has replied yet; most especially as a 'forced retiree' (we are many).
I have many thoughts regarding vaccination against a coronavirus in the young as well as the mass vaccination approach the world took against a coronavirus. But I am tired.
The window of opportunity for putting the brakes on who should and should not be vaccinated occurred a year-and-a-half ago. The train left the station and we are all on it now.
15,509 Posts
On 10/28/2022 at 5:01 PM, Guttercat said: The "hot stove" topic. I am not surprised no one has replied yet; most especially as a 'forced retiree' (we are many). I have many thoughts regarding vaccination against a coronavirus in the young as well as the mass vaccination approach the world took against a coronavirus. But I am tired. The window of opportunity for putting the brakes on who should and should not be vaccinated occurred a year-and-a-half ago. The train left the station and we are all on it now.
It sounds like you are opposed to mass vaccination against a contagion in a pandemic and maybe also against routine vaccination to minimize outbreaks.
Everyone is tired of this coronavirus and the political nonsense that got attached to the mitigation.
On 11/2/2022 at 6:56 AM, toomuchbaloney said: "It sounds like you are opposed to mass vaccination against a contagion." It depends upon the contagion, good sir.
"It sounds like you are opposed to mass vaccination against a contagion."
It depends upon the contagion, good sir.
8 hours ago, Guttercat said:
This contagion killed over 1 million Americans and it's troubling tens of thousands more with long term, chronic health problems. This contagion nearly broke our already fractured health system.
4 Posts
I love that the SCOTUS made it okay to mandate the vaccine for healthcare workers. Afterall, we are the ones on the frontline every day. I just wished they would mandate it for parents and children too. They aren't as educated as we are in how dangerous it is to have our precious children unvaccinated. An incentive, maybe a Walmart gift card or a McDonald's gift card would be enough to get these grossly uniformed and paranoid people off the fence. Sure, there's some ignorant people questioning the science behind giving children another vaccine, but I do a lot of stuff I'm not crazy about. I would love to see everyone be mandated to get the vaccine to flatten the curve.
Rate your pain
20 Posts
Mandating an experimental vaccine for children scares the heck out of me. The virus has mutated. It is less virulent but more contagious (the nature of a virus). Children are suffering more from RSV and the Flu. The risks far outweigh the benefits. Leave the kids alone!
5 hours ago, Rate your pain said: Mandating an experimental vaccine for children scares the heck out of me. The virus has mutated. It is less virulent but more contagious (the nature of a virus). Children are suffering more from RSV and the Flu. The risks far outweigh the benefits. Leave the kids alone!
Thank the gods that our public health experts are better informed than you. Vaccines save lives
It isn’t a vaccine. Perhaps you want to educate yourself about the definition of vaccine.
5 minutes ago, Rate your pain said: It isn’t a vaccine. Perhaps you want to educate yourself about the definition of vaccine.
You should make some attempt to support your crazy claim with something credible.
phill_rn, MSN, APRN
40 Posts
CompliantNurse said: I love that the SCOTUS made it okay to mandate the vaccine for healthcare workers. Afterall, we are the ones on the frontline every day. I just wished they would mandate it for parents and children too. They aren't as educated as we are in how dangerous it is to have our precious children unvaccinated. An incentive, maybe a Walmart gift card or a McDonald's gift card would be enough to get these grossly uniformed and paranoid people off the fence. Sure, there's some ignorant people questioning the science behind giving children another vaccine, but I do a lot of stuff I'm not crazy about. I would love to see everyone be mandated to get the vaccine to flatten the curve.
Just wow
4 Articles; 2,537 Posts
I 100% supported all of the vaccinations during the pandemic. Working in the ICU I saw WAY too many people lose their lives, lose loved ones, suffer long-term effects, etc. However, since the first week of Feb last year, I have seen very few people become critically ill due to COVID. The changes in the virus have increased contagion but not virulence. I think that going forward, considering the COVID vaccine to be more like the flu vaccine- a personal choice for most, is an appropriate level of treatment. I know that my hospital is back to mandating the annual flu vaccine, but did not mandate a covid vaccine for employees this year.