Hello friends,
Just wanted to get your take on how you handle medication patches that won't stay on, or get missed when they should be taken off.
I find with nitroglycerin, fentanyl patches, etc. they often get lost. Either lost on the patient, or lost off the patient. Meaning they should be taken off, but are left on because they are not seen, or you go to take on off, but can't find it... not knowing how long it may have been off.
I've been told to never totally cover medication patches because it can cause them to heat up and increase the rate of absorption. Others say tagederm is ok because the patch can breathe through this. I've also seen covers come with some patches. Personally I have taken to getting about a 2 inch piece of silk tape and writing the med and date on it, then taping it to about 1/3 of the patch itself. My pharmacy seems to think this is ok, but recently I had a doc question it. I like it b/c you can't miss it, and it does help hold the patch on, but doesn't cover it completely.
Just seeing if there are any better, safer, ideas out there.