Cost of illegal immigration on one Florida hospital

Nurses Activism


Politicians speak about the crasy cost of illegal immigrants on one Florida hospital...

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
so, if a business that survives on illegal alien labor goes "south" (literally or figuratively) because their labor force has been deported, the problem is.....?

loss of wages spent in this country by the laborers, loss of taxes paid by the laborers (yes, they do pay taxes!) and the business, loss of the contribution of that business to the gross national product.

hey, i'm not an economist, but there are two sides to every coin.

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
whose fault is it, then???

status quo.

aeauooo, I do agree. You do point out some valid and very serious other problems this country also has, but one one of them IS illegal immigration whether we want to accept it or not..and yes it has always happened...but it seems as though it is far worse than ever. Some communities cannot keep up with the demand of services required to accommodate the flow of people needing education and medical care for free. I understand that we need to change many things, but unless you have been personally impacted by this problem you may not understand. I speak from my own life experience and I can assure you that the immigrants of today are not the ones of the past generations..and in a way that it is because of our own greed as you point out, that we have created a monster we can no longer ignore. It is clear you are well informed and well educated. Don't you think that immigration does have to reform someway or another ?

Specializes in Home Care, Hospice, OB.
loss of wages spent in this country by the laborers, loss of taxes paid by the laborers (yes, they do pay taxes!) and the business, loss of the contribution of that business to the gross national product.

hey, i'm not an economist, but there are two sides to every coin.

(ironically, i am, or was in a previous life....)

1. a large percent of those wages were being returned to country of origin.

2. yup, some tax revenue lost, some gained by services no longer being used by laborer and family..

3.the gnp is a statisical measure of national wealth. doesn't matter much on the microeconomic level.

Specializes in Home Care, Hospice, OB.
status quo.

how does mr. quo force folks to cross international borders at night?

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
....and in a way that it is because of our own greed as you point out, that we have created a monster we can no longer ignore... Don't you think that immigration does have to reform someway or another ?


We have created most of our monsters, then we blame other people for our problems.

I don't have the answers. I don't pretend to. I just try to do what I can and know how to do to make life better my family, others with whom I share this planet, and myself.

I also have a pretty good sense for when I am being lied to: everytime I turn on the TV or open the paper.

I don't apologize for my perspective. I lived in Tehran in 1978, and I've spent a total of two years in Africa (so far). The rest of the world doesn't see things the way most Americans seem to, and neither do I.

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
how does mr. quo force folks to cross international borders at night?

the status quo doesn't (directly) force people to come here, but it certainly welcomes them when they get here.

Specializes in Home Care, Hospice, OB.

i don't apologize for my perspective. i lived in tehran in 1978, and i've spent a total of two years in africa (so far). the rest of the world doesn't see things the way most americans seem to, and neither do i.

thailand, japan, the phiilipines, germany, england, france, and india.

yea, i've lived overseas (a lot) and agree that the worldview of non-americans is different. i have some strong perspectives of my own, obviously..

this is the richest country on earth, and bunches of people want to move here. however, if a lifeboat for 40 takes on 128, everyone is gonna be in a world of hurt. that's why there are laws and quotas about who gets to come here and under what circumstances.

despite being admittedly unsure of your own position, you seem to be advocating open borders, and the devil take the hindmost...

we can produce plenty of uneducated americans without job skills, some of whom are criminals, all by ourselves..we don't need to import them. :no:

Just food for thought.... Yesterday on my only day off I spent it sitting at the Social Security office attempting at resolving a SERIOUS problem.. .identity theft... someone has used my husbands social security number for the past 4 years and of course the income reported is DOUBLE what he has made each and every year it has been used. My husband by the way is the son of Mexican immigrants hence his is name is very ethnic and was readily usable by another immigrant to work and not pay taxes on. At this point it is actively being used by a someone in chicago illinois and we cannot do anything about it yet. The company reporting this income is a pork processing and slaughter house. He owes the IRS to this date over 40,000. dollars in back taxes for unclaimed income. Chicago is a sanctuary city, or that is what we were told...we have filed police reports, notified the police in Chicago and they advised us that they cannot really help us just make reports for us and to stand in line. The IRS is investigating whether or not to discharge these taxes from us. So for the meantime we did not get any tax returns or stimulus checks. The interest will keep accruing until this is resolved. The credit has been ruined due to 3 verizon accounts celular and landlines totaling over 3, calls to central America (I won't be specific so as not to offend anyone). Many other accounts have been opened. Countless visits to the IRS and Social Security offices later we are no closer to solving the problem. YES, I have been impacted by the ILLEGAL immigration problem. I say ILLEGAL because if they were legal they could have used thier own SS number and not ruined my husbands credit. Of course it could be a legal resident right????? So yes I can see how our hospitals are being overburdened by this problem.

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
despite being admittedly unsure of your own position, you seem to be advocating open borders...

not at all.

as i said, i don't have the answers, but i think we need to take two very large steps back from the emotionalism of this issue and look at every aspect of it before we draw any conclusions about what the problem really is and how to solve it.

i know very little about economics, but i believe that pointing to one side of illegal immigration and say, "this is a problem that we need to correct" blinds us to the fact it is an extremely complex situation for which a simple solution would probably have disasterous consequences - both economic and humanitarian.

This is so interesting. Our diversity is what makes this country so great. *********But there are conditions to enter and live here************. Just because you are able to live in a country where you can cross the border by land or foot should not give you priority over those immigrants waiting their turn in line processing their status legally such as in Nigeria, Spain, Philipines India, etc. What do we do?????? The great debate.

Specializes in neuro, ICU/CCU, tropical medicine.
What do we do?????? The great debate.


Debate: a: the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure. b: a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides

- Webster's

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