Contact after completion of monitoring program?

Nurses Recovery


Has anyone ever had their program or case manager still contact them for anything after completion? I received my letter and the official completion email, but I still can’t shake the feeling of being “monitored” even though I am done!

I am close to completion and asked my monitor about the process and got this back..

Is it a scare tactic? One more knock at my soul making me feel even lower?? I just want to be free of this nightmare so badly.

"Requesting to be release does not guarantee the Board will release you. Your Consent Agreement states “minimum period of at least 2 years”. Your employer will need to send the employer reports on a quarterly basis until the Board has informed you that the release has been granted. All of your terms and conditions will continue until the Board releases you from probation."

*I am and have been in full compliance for the two years with an additional year of testing while desperately searching for a job.

Specializes in OR.

It sounds like a ‘baffle them with ********’ kind of thing, because you know dazzling with brilliance ain’t nowhere in this equation with these morons. Assuming your contract had a designated date on which it ends and you’ve been in compliance, there is no legitimate means (Including case manager laziness/idiocy/carelessness) that they have of dragging it out any longer.
I knew knew the exact date mine ended (August 22) and was on a day countdown from the start. Had an app on my phone that tracked it for me. Got to the 6 week mark, started harassing the case manager for what documentation I needed. Not surprisingly, the witch had me cough a bunch of letters that turned out to be wholly unnecessary but I guess I surprised them by whipping them out (I told them not to play me....hah!) without batting an eye. I returned the load of used kitty litter reports that they actually did need within 48 hours of getting them. Within 24 hours of the calendar day, I received a terse phone call from her telling me I was done. I checked the state website, the license had returned to clear/active. Since I did not trust them any further than I could kick them, I ‘checked in’ for the next few days until I received the email (and could thus print out) confirmation that those jerks could could officially KMA. It still took almost 2 weeks for them to disable the affinity account.

Keep on them. This is contract law. Not administrative law as they might want you to think. You have rights too. You have done your part, now they must do theirs in a timely manner.

Cats, thank you for your reply!

My concern is the 'minimum of two years' comment. They have me there. Of course I think what they mean is...

we hope you *%$# up within the next three months so we can keep you on contract.

I asked her if any additional documentation would be needed for release and thats when I got the response about minimum two years. She never answers me directly. So if there is required documentation she did not tell me.

I always get the feeling that I better not push it. When I do get responses they rarely answer the question directly or fully. ?

Specializes in OR.

I never knew these clowns to actually answer a question directly (unless it involved an order that required you to vomit up money or submit to another round of testing or bogus evaluations by their quacks, in which case it was your WILL do it and no we don’t have to explain our selves.” They are not going to answer anything directly because it creates the risk of coming back on them. These contracts are written in a rather nebulous manner anyway. Something I learned from the attorney that I retained partway through this is that in contract law the onus is on the writer of the contract (the program) to be crystal clear on the specifics. If they are not and you question an issue, your interpretation would prevail in court. However, the programs assume (frequently correctly) that participants have neither the money or the energy to fight them and that’s why they get away with what they do...

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