Consent form



I am a little confused with the consent form questions. The other day, I faced a question on the consent form and the answer was that the nurse had to explain the procedure to the patient. I've been trying to find the question to post here but cannot put my finger on it anymore.

Could I ask someone to give a small outline of the consent form signature? I really thought that the nurse was only there to witness the signature and that the physician explained everything to the patient.

Thanks a lot guys!

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

That is how it is at my job. The physicians have to explain the procedure. Also the anesthesiologists comes in the explain his or her part as well. Occasionally, the patient will ask the nurse something afterwards, but for the most part, all questions will be directed to the physician. We explain what we do on the floor to prepare the patient: npo, bowel preps if needed, chlorhexidrine bath prior to leaving the floor, etc. Then we tell them that the peri operative nurse will explain what is to be expected in PACU. but anything that procedure requires that the patient sign for in agreement, except blood transfusions, has to come from the physician. Like I said before, though, this is at my job.

Thanks for your answer. I just find it tricky sometimes in the NCLEX questions. If I bump into the same question, I surely will post it.

Specializes in Reproductive & Public Health.

Informed consent is the provider's responsibility, full stop. As an RN, you can provide clarification, and I absolutely believe that an RN is morally and professionally obligated to ensure that the pt has truly given *informed* consent. If, in your professional judgment, full consent is lacking despite your attempt to clarify, you are responsible for documenting your concerns and informing the provider.

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