Published Jul 7, 2011
95 Posts
I guess they really want us to start attending conferences/in-services....? I had about 10ish questions that involved a nurse presenting a topic at a conference
127 Posts
So did I Sensei omg I got alot of those, and I didn't know how to choose the answers would it be like ABCs I guess priority questions?
Savvy20RN, BSN, RN
105 Posts
I know!! What was that all about? Hahaha. About 90% of my exam was conference and priority. I think it's all in line with teaching. If you can't teach the nurses the correct information how are they supposed to teach patients? I guess that's what they are thinking. I really have no idea. XD
I know I think I didn't get those right idk.
38,333 Posts
You won't see me at a conference if I can help it!
I think it's more... is the statement true or false? For mine, it would be a nurse is presenting a topic at a conference, which of the following should she cover? and it would 5 statements and you have to select which ones are correct/true.
I got some like that and I got some like this "The nurse Is at a nurse conference which of the clients would take priority of discussion? I received alot of questions like thats and all the answers were like huh? would this be consider a ABC question? what would throw me off was saying the nurse was at some conference not at the hostpital and one of the answer option was something bout a kid with kawasaki disease going to school and there were other options can't remember but those type of questions confused me.
61 Posts
Oh gosh, i took my exam this morning and got like 4-5 questions on conference.. and all i can think about is this thread. lol.
Oh, I didn't even read into the 'priority' part. I just assumed that the client had to know everything that was true....... (since it was an SATA question). I think I had one about a 50 year old who was recently diagnosed with DM and which fact he had to know (it was a multiple choice question). One was about DMI and one was about DMII... so I picked DMII because DMI is usually diagnosed earlier in life.
1 Post
I took my exam today as well and felt horrible about it! I didn't understand how to answer these questions and my test was also 90% with these types of questions. Did anyone pass with that amount of conference questions? Is it considered to be a "difficult" question? Let me know I'm freaking out
I passed. I'm still in a state of shock a week after I got my results, but yes, you can pass with 90% of your questions like this. :) I don't know whether they would be considered 'difficult' questions, but I had a hard time with them. All of the answers seemed right. I had to make an educated guess. ^-^
45 Posts
Hi! Cant Seem to understand. How are these type of question? Are these kind of a
priority question?