Conestoga college RPN 2016 waterloo and Doon campuses

World Canada CA Programs


Hi everyone, first time poster long time lurker lol. Congrats to everyone accepted to their programs! I've been offered acceptance to conestoga college rpn for September 2016 start for both Doon and waterloo campuses but was wondering if anyone had experience at the newer waterloo facility?

I've toured Doon and know others who had great things to say but can find little information on schlegel village besides the colleges program booklet and some news articles. It looks like a great facility and is an accelerated program but I'm not sure if long term care will be right for me. I would like to bridge into a bscn afterwards. If anyone has attended or has experience with the waterloo campus and could offer advice I would really appreciate it! Ty :)

The HOAE wasn't that difficult but impossible to study the range of things to study was so broad. It goes back to the basics of language and math and remembering the rules and formulas. I recieved a grade of 88% and my average for the pre requisits was mid 80's. They were 4U credits so I'm assuming that I received the 10% bonus marks which would mean mid 90's. I'm starting at Doon in September.

I think your friend should be fine with her grades as long as she does well on the HOAE. Best of luck to your friend!

Hey xokw,

My overall mark for the HOAE was 88%. I remember that we were told that the average was 65%, and so if we received a higher % than that, that we could almost count on being accepted. Best wishes to your friend!

Hey Supervixen83, I too will be attending Doon this fall, would love to connect with fellow classmates, and look forward to meeting everyone.

Have a great summer until then!

my email is [email protected] as I cannot send you a PM on here.

Hi Ally,

what average did you get accepted with?

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