Complicated Question.


So I met with the director of admissions at my #1 nursing school and now I have dilemma.

She told me that the math class I took in my undergraduate studies would count towards my admission requirement but because I got a C it drops my GPA to a 3.25. Based on my transfer credits it is my only C. She suggested that I retake the math course and they would take the newer grade. Ok so you ask whats the big deal.... I suck at math, getting a C was probably a miracle for me and it was in 98 so that makes it even worse because I don't remember any of that stuff. What makes it worse I am already signed up for Chemistry and A & P (plus intro to computes which I am not too worried about) which I am sure will be a struggle for me. She also said I could take phys now and life span development in the winter session, and if did well in those and the classes I am currently registered for it would give my gpa a boost but obviously replacing my c with a higher grade would have the best effect on my gpa. When she left my advisor told me if I did well this semester I had a good shot of getting in, but if I took intermidiate algebra and did well in the sciences I would have a great shot. What should I do? There is no guarantee I could do better than a c. And it could cause me to do badly in my other difficult classes. Oh did I mention I work full time and have a two year old.

Sorry about the ramble. :scrying:

I think you may be surprised at how age and increased life experience both make math seem less difficult... I don't know how old you are but when I was young I took algebra and was so confused, I think I just got frustrated and gave up. When I decided to go back to nursing school, I was scared of math (and chemistry) but surprisingly found them both very understandable. When I got confused I didn't give up, I studied harder and MADE it make sense... Several of my nursing school friends said they had similar experiences, I think when we are young we have "more important" things on our minds especially if we have not yet chosen a career path and see math as something we will "never use in real life". You may have to utilize a math tutor or the learning center, but you can do it, just stay focused!

Now, as far as taking the math class in the same semester as Chemistry and A&P, I don't recommend that. I remember both A&P being a TON of work, I was taking two other classes the semester I took physiology (micro and developmental psych) and I struggled to find time for everything, but it was only 15 weeks. I also think that retaking this class will make many future lessons (nursing school has a good amount of math) easier to grasp. I would suggest taking it another semester if that is possible, maybe before everything else. If not try and take it this semester with the other courses, if it is too much you can always drop the class... Good luck to you! And just remember, what ever you do, you need to be diligent in your study habits, remember nursing school will be a TON of work and you can think of this semester as practice for how you will study in the program.

Thanks. You know I was thinking it might help me with the Teas also. I plan to apply for the program in February, so it is either take the math along with the 2 science courses or not.

Here's a website for you .....Look for basic Math, pre-Algebra, helps to practice and read. You can also go to Barnes & Nobles to get a basic Math book for Dummies w/practice test and explanations of the step-by-step procedures.

I am 46 & haven't been in school since 1979 when I graduated Math w/a D. Tommorrow, I finish my Math w/a High B or need to read & dedicate some time to it but you can do it, I am proof.....start now, as You will need to know exponets and basic Math in Chemistry. I found this out today when I e-mailed the Prof I will have in the fall and asked him if there was anything I could do to prepare for his class.....he wrote back and said practice and study my exponets and Algebra......basically what my Chem Lab will be about.

It really does help to mail your Prof early to get an idea on what to prepare for....Mine are generous enough to write back....LOL

Specializes in Post Anesthesia.

If you struggle with math it sounds like you will have a full plate already. Chemistry is a lot of math in itself. My guess is you will end up loosing more in GPA by retaking the math class with chemistry than you could ever hope to gain. Don't have a a solution for your problem beyond that but good luck from another mathematically challenged nurse.

Thanks for your replies. I am feeling much more optimistic today. My mom is a math whiz, I work with a girl who is a math and chemistry whiz. I think I'll try it and if its too much, I'll drop it and use my old math score. This semester is going to be tuff. Hopefully though with my mom and coworker plus the new math tutor websites that were not available 10 years ago I'll be able to do well.

Here is a question though. Does anyone know the formula? You know they say for every credit hour you take, you should spend at least _________ hours studying?

Also if I record lectures and listen to them at my desk at work or in the car, would you consider that as study time? If so can anyone recommend a recorder? I was also thinking of asking flash card questions on the recorder and quizzing myself that way in the car or at work or where ever.

Sorry, about the crazy line of questioning... Its just how my mind works

Oh and CracklinRose, great Idea about the emailing, I will contact them today about course preparation. You have the best ideas. :bow:

Specializes in Home Health Clinician.

Each time I take math it is easier to understand. I mean, it is still a bit of work, and keeping things straight is key, but it is easier. It just starts to make sense once you accept the rules for what they are!


Good luck!

Do you have a set time frame by which you must finish this class to apply for admission?

Is there any possibility of only going half time while taking it?

I know math (esp algebra and statistics) were hard for me. I took algebra with a lot of "easy" classes and in order to pass statistics I had to take it a second time and had to drop to half-time just to get a B.

Specializes in Future Peds Nurse.

I think your plan sounds great. I would attempt it and if it is terrible...drop it. You lose a bit of money, but your GPA doesn't go down. Last semester I took, A&P 2, Micro, Chem and a Soc class. Needless to say, it can be done, and done well, you just have to be so freaking determined.

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