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About katkat75

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  1. Ocala Info please :)

    I'm not in the Ocala area but grew up about an hour from there. I'm not familiar with the particular area you're asking about in but didn't want you to feel ignored. I do know it's a lovely area. I hope someone can answer your questions soon.
  2. keiser college

    Seaside, I'm not attending Keiser but thinking about it (not in your area though). The FLBon lists St. Pete's program as provisionally accredited. It shouldn't affect your ability to bridge later. Of course if you know what bridge program you want t...
  3. Brevard Community College/Palm Beach Community College

    I know Brevard CC is pretty competitive too. A few years ago when I was working on pre-reqs I was advised to apply to all programs within driving distance (from Orlando to Daytona to IRCC) and to still not expect to be accepted. I'm now going back ...
  4. Complicated Question.

    Do you have a set time frame by which you must finish this class to apply for admission? Is there any possibility of only going half time while taking it? I know math (esp algebra and statistics) were hard for me. I took algebra with a lot of "easy"...
  5. any advice please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't know if would make anything lean one way or the other for you for getting into a program. I think the more general aspect of the critical thinking course would be your better option. Are you planning on going into an associate program or get...
  6. Where Have All the Nurses Gone?

    This book was written by my cousin. At one point in time I wanted to be a nurse. After getting almost all of my pre-reqs I changed my mind. I read Faye's book and talked to a LOT of nurses and got scared. After dropping the ball on my ed for a few ye...
  7. Excelsior FL nursing grad endorsement dillema

    Not sure if someone addressed this. If you read through the document(s) and the decision there is a way. If you went non-PN to ADN through Excelsior and were enrolled as of the date of Oct-?-2007 and finish by 2010 you will be given special "variance...