Well all - I have had my first complaints registered against me by my co-workers.
I retimed some medications (abx) b/c I had 6 patients, two admits at the same time and one discharge. The meds were retimed by about 3 hours and one of the doses overlapped to the day shift. In addition, this same patient's blood sugar was checked, insulin given, but not documented on the MAR.
Yesterday evening I was called into work from 11 p to 7 a. When I got there, one of the patient's was on restraints, NG tube not secured and coming out and IV access was unavailable. I spent most of my night with him.
I thought I did pretty well...
I've been told I cannot work past 8 am and get behind on my charting... so, this morning, I thought I would pass my work onto the day shift - as they pass their work onto the night shift. Not good.
The two nurses coming on during the day were upset that I passed my work onto them.
I am just not cut out for this. I am not good at this work, particularly time management. Nurses are a special breed of people and I am not it.
Thanks for listening.