Comparing NGCSU with GPC

U.S.A. Georgia


I'm applying to both NGCSU and GPC for the Fall 2010 program, and am interested in opinions as to how the two schools compare in terms of:

-Reputation with hospitals/professionals

-Quality/support of instructors

-Job skills preparation/ability to perform job competently as a new hire

-Preparation for the NCLEX

Thanks very much for any feedback you can provide. :) :) :)

Specializes in ER.

I have a friend who went to NGCSU and she really enjoyed the program and said it was a great experience. That's all I can contribute!

I graduated from North Georgia in May and passed my NCLEX in 75 questions. I have heard that North Georgia has a very good reputation with surrounding hospitals. The program is hard to get into and even harder to finish. The course work is every difficult and time consuming. I was frustrated by the faculties lack of communication and organization. Some of the teachers are awful and some of them are awesome, it just depends on who you get. There are three campuses and classes are broadcasted on a television monitor and speakers. Many of my fellow students did not complete the program or are having to take classes over but of the ones who did I think almost everyone passed NCLEX. I have not yet found a job so I dont know how competent I will be.

Over all I think every nursing school is hard and I don't know anything about other schools so I really am not sure if I would recommend this school or not.

Also they only offer associated degree and if you want a bachelors you must apply after you get your RN and take more classes. I am currently getting my BSN and could have gotten it quicker at a straight BSN program school, so if you want your BSN thats something to consider.

Coming From a current GPC Nursing Student, go to NGCSU.

I have several friends who have gone to GPC and I haven't heard too many good things about the program there.

Specializes in Med Surg, Cardiac.

GGT1, I am starting the nursing program in the spring. Tell me about your experience so far and why you wouldn't recommend GPC. I have heard some not so nice things about it in the past but I heard it has really improved over the past couple of years.

I do not know about any of the other programs but I am a current GPC student and I think they are doing great, especially since they are now juggling two campuses on one basically. This is only my 1st semester so maybe others are higher levels, I don't know. But really ANY nursing school is going to be hard, ANY school is going to have good professors and bad ones. I heard so many horror stories about GPC that I was expecting it to be horrific. But I chose to look at the positive over the negative. They do graduate students so obviously it can be done and I am determined to be one of them.

As for their reputation, I have spoken to nurses from Dekalb Medical and Emory midtown and they all said GPC grads are highly respected. I have spoken to a woman who was asking me about GPC's program and she told me that she spoke to someone at Emory and they told her that Emory would hire a GPC grad over an Emory grad; that shocked not only her but me also. That being said, I have been told from my own research that GPC grads know their stuff! ;)

Specializes in Med Surg, Cardiac.

That's great to hear! No matter what I have heard about GPC, i'm still going in the program with a positive attitude. I have heard plenty of nurses say that GPC grads are excellent and well prepared. That makes me feel good about my decision to attend GPC's nursing program.

My sister in law just graduated from NGCSU with a BSN and got a job at a local hospital within weeks. She passed the NCLEX after 75 questions also. She has had nothing bad to say about the program and has been a big support to me as I try to get into their ASN program. The only complaint I have about NGCSU is their advisers are not as involved with the pre-nursing students as much as I would like. Getting in touch with them and then actually getting questions answered is a nightmare. They all have been nice just extremely busy! I think it is a wonderful school and if you take pre-reqs there, try to get Professor Dehner for A&P. She is great!

That's great to hear! No matter what I have heard about GPC, i'm still going in the program with a positive attitude. I have heard plenty of nurses say that GPC grads are excellent and well prepared. That makes me feel good about my decision to attend GPC's nursing program.

Great! Just remember to stay focused (and positive) and I'm sure you'll do fine! Keep us posted and hope to meet you soon. :loveya:

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