Community college courses easier than University?


Is there a difference in the difficulty level of the material when at a community college or university or is it all the same?

One of my favorite passtimes is to read, and I notice that the community colleges have a lot more "Easy A" classes (even the Science courses) than the university ones. It really makes me think since I am attending a community college. I'd hate to get into nursing school and fall flat on my face because I was not really challenged.

I just finished an English Composition II class at my local CC that was harder than the literature class I had previously taken at well-respected liberal arts college.

I think it varies, but in general CC classes are no-nonsense.

Specializes in ER.

In general, yes, community college courses are easier than university courses. A lot of medical schools will not accept science courses taken at a community college and will only accept credits earned at a university. I also know from personal experience most community college courses are easier than university courses. I've attended 3 different universities and 2 different community colleges and the universities were harder. The one I am at now is by far the most difficult- so the difficulty even varies b/t universities. HTH!

Whoa.........I would not say CC are easier, by no means. If anything, I would say harder. The same material must be covered in a shorter period of time. That's like saying a 2 year RN is nothing compared to a 4 year RN. My CC teaches and trains 2 yr RNs far better than some universities around here, I know that by family experience.

I believe there are far to many variables here to even compare the two.

I have attended a university and currently attend a community college. Many of my cc classes were as difficult as any of my university classes. Much depends on your own skill set. If you're great at math, probably doesn't matter where you take it...

Each class varies by teacher/instructor/professor in my opioion. Some give more work than others at both institutions.

I have went to a cc and am currently going to a University, I do not see a difference in education really. Although I can say the professors were nicer and exhibited more caring and understanding at the CC compared to the University. I would not say easier or harder, just different. Such as smaller classes, more compact, and longer days compared to the U, where we meet shorter days more days a week.

I'd say community colleges are harder. Of course, it varies by professor.

Is there a difference in the difficulty level of the material when at a community college or university or is it all the same?

One of my favorite passtimes is to read, and I notice that the community colleges have a lot more "Easy A" classes (even the Science courses) than the university ones. It really makes me think since I am attending a community college. I'd hate to get into nursing school and fall flat on my face because I was not really challenged. is not a good source. Anyone can type in any kind of information. They can either tell the truth or completely lie, just because they can. Kind of like wikipedia.

Specializes in ER.
Whoa.........I would not say CC are easier, by no means. If anything, I would say harder. The same material must be covered in a shorter period of time. That's like saying a 2 year RN is nothing compared to a 4 year RN. My CC teaches and trains 2 yr RNs far better than some universities around here, I know that by family experience.

That's a good point. I should've clarified that I have found it true that general courses are easier at community colleges. I do not believe nursing courses are easier at all. I have actually heard that 2 year RN degrees in our area have a better reputation for preparing nurses to enter the field than 4 year. But in my experience and from what I know about medical school non-acceptance of science courses from community colleges, I would say "in general" to take general courses (english, math, history, and science) at a university to get more out of them or have them accepted more places.

Specializes in ER.
. Although I can say the professors were nicer and exhibited more caring and understanding at the CC compared to the University.

I completely agree with that. My professors at community college were MUCH friendlier and more approachable. They cared a lot more about how we did in class and how we learned. I miss that!

Specializes in LTC, MDS Cordnator, Mental Health.

I would say CC is more affordable.

It probably also depends on the state. I'm in Michigan, and have only attended a private college, so can not attest to the teaching styles of CC -vs- U profs,. I am applying to multiple schools for NS and I have researched the transferability of credits between the schools in my area (a mix of 11 CCs, Univ, and private schools with accredited nursing programs) and have found in all cases that the gen eds transfer but non of the nursing track does. Not sure why, have never asked, but suspect it has something to do with the clinical portions / scheduling.

In my opinion, if the credits are transferable, the coursework and information is the same. Here we have a website to check transferability ( ) of credits. Google your state to see if you have one.

Hope this helps.

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