Published Aug 12, 2014
11 Posts
Is it like this everywhere?
Clock in. Feeling good about meeting the challenges of the day.
Listen to the editorialized, biased reports of the results from hours past.
Listen to staff and customer complaints.
What is that smell?
Clean up the clutter.
Empty the trash.
Wash the waste out of containers.
Deliver water. Snacks.
Bag the laundry.
Change the linens.
Empty the halls.
Work with the malfunctioning equipment.
Why doesn't maintenance maintain?
Toilets won't flush without threatening to overflow.
Lights have blown out and never replaced.
Food is not delivered.
No food delivery after 7pm
No food available for anyone after 9pm.
So I prepare food that I find.
Prepared as I would for my family.
I buy it if I can't find it for you.
Medications, assessments, treatments, dressing changes, call the doctors, new orders to follow. Crawl out from under the bus and carry on.
Make certain you are safe. Every hour.
Read the endless paper posts in the work room, in the halls, at my desk, in the bathroom, there is no escape from updates, do this, don't do that, remember to, don't forget, do better, be better, bend over, jump higher, blah, blah, blah.
Police the visitors while making them feel at home-even when they yell at you, call you stupid, threaten you, then ask for a different nurse to take care of their family member because your skin is not the right color.
Productivity matters.
Productivity that matters.
Productivity is matter.
Productivity is all.
Productivity: all that matters.
Productivity is all that matters.
Would you willingly seek health care at a facility where you are the equivalent of a package at UPS?
If there is a complaint, I am at fault. no matter what.
If there is a compliment, an undeserved pat on the back for management, no matter what.
I work to make your life better.
I work to make management look better.
I am educated. My IQ is 140. I am a nurse. I feel so stupid.
I am retiring soon. But not today.
Today I must do what I am told by NA's, Housekeeping services, Dietary services, Equipment services, Linen services.
I must not be harsh or complain about any of them because they are a"disadvantaged" work force. "Please be understanding of the hostility they harbor toward you."
My company is pro-everyone except for nurses. I should feel rewarded enough that I am in their employ. They have been on the cover of Newsweek, after all. High profile. Hmmmm.
Helpless. Hopeless. Powerless. A miserable end to work that I once loved.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
sorry you feel that way. It may seem you are at the wrong end of the stick because they pay you more, but I agree. Even a dog gets a pat on the head sometimes. Plan to please yourself by providing the best care and let the rest take second place. You will find some peace in that!
You are being sarcastic, aren't you? What would please me is to see my current manager and director canned and replaced by intelligent people who have a clear picture of how hospitals have put public image and $$$$$$ above all else, leaving patients at risk and treating nurses as though they are a necessary evil not entitled to support, respect, or acknowledgement of their important role in successful outcomes for patients. There is no place in nursing for Pollyanna with her head stuck in the sand.
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
Very well said.
Yes, it's everywhere.
Not so much productivity more like HCAHPS. We are not nurses, we are the corporate slaves.
You are NOT helpless and hopeless. You are a talented professional with many options.
Now.. go find one.
8 Posts
Time to look for another job.
I LOVE my job. What an amazing career I have had!
Please go find that....
It IS out there.
843 Posts
Oh, you poor honey! It's necessary to know our own worth regardless of what's raging around us, but there is no human being on the planet who can survive without at least SOME positive affirmation from another person! If you don't have at least one person at work who sees you and appreciates you, RUN AWAY! 'cause you're in a toxic environment, my friend, with no protective equipment.
14,937 Posts
You are indeed more valuable than your employer knows.
Time to educate them by dusting off your resume and finding another job where you feel appreciated.
Good luck!