College of Marin (COM) Fall 2023 Nursing Applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


This thread is for anyone who is applying to College of Marin’s Fall 2023 Nursing Program

Specializes in CNA.
kvti said:

Wasn't there a list on their website in their previous years?

I'm  also super anxious to know 

There wasn't one last year, at least one I could find 

natthenurse said:

There wasn't one last year, at least one I could find 

I swear I have seen it on another post but again, it might be from 2 years ago ?


Specializes in CNA.
kvti said:

I swear I have seen it on another post but again, it might be from 2 years ago ?


Honestly I hope they do! I'd love to be able to keep track hahaha 

natthenurse said:

Honestly I hope they do! I'd love to be able to keep track hahaha 

Same here!! I am so anxious ? 

Did you apply anywhere else ?

Specializes in CNA.
kvti said:

Same here!! I am so anxious ? 

Did you apply anywhere else ?

Just here and the Santa Rosa Junior College. You?

kvti said:

Exactly! It's just so nice to get answers since, like you mentioned, the nursing department must be so busy. So, I'm bombarding these poor students with questions ?

good luck to us! We just gotta be patient now 

You are not bombarding us! Some of us are in SNA (Student Nursing Association) and one of our goals is to have better communication between the 1st and 2nd years. We are happy to answer any questions. I know how stressful it can be. What are the main questions you have for the Nursing Department? Dates for second round acceptances and points? 

kvti said:

When a program is all online? how do they arrange clinicals?


Also, how does the ADN-BSN program work? Do you do them concurrently ? 

Sorry about all the questions. I just have a million of them and it is nice to have someone who can answer them ? 


Keep them coming! I remember that pit in my stomach of having questions and not knowing the answers.

GG22992 said:

You are not bombarding us! Some of us are in SNA (Student Nursing Association) and one of our goals is to have better communication between the 1st and 2nd years. We are happy to answer any questions. I know how stressful it can be. What are the main questions you have for the Nursing Department? Dates for second round acceptances and points? 

Yes it seems like some of the main questions are regarding when they'll be sending out the second round of letters, the current point cut off, and whether we'll be receiving point confirmation. Thank you so much again! 

natthenurse said:

Just here and the Santa Rosa Junior College. You?

Just here but I will be applying to Napa in June if I don't hear back 

GG22992 said:

You are not bombarding us! Some of us are in SNA (Student Nursing Association) and one of our goals is to have better communication between the 1st and 2nd years. We are happy to answer any questions. I know how stressful it can be. What are the main questions you have for the Nursing Department? Dates for second round acceptances and points? 

And it is extremely appreciated ! ? 

Yes! For me, the main are how long between rounds of acceptances and how do we know our points and what the current cutoff is 

Hi all, 

I emailed the nursing department and asked when we should expect the next round and about the current cutoff (worth a try) but all I heard back was this ? 

now I'm confused as to how often they'll be sending letters out. I thought it'd be every week but maybe it's every two??

kvti said:

Hi all, 

I emailed the nursing department and asked when we should expect the next round and about the current cutoff (worth a try) but all I heard back was this ? 

now I'm confused as to how often they'll be sending letters out. I thought it'd be every week but maybe it's every two??


Hmm.. well I think they had said they gave the first group 7 days to reply and they sent the first letters last Tuesday so I guess today would be the deadline? And the email says we should be hearing something within this week or next so I guess after people that decline their spots they'll start moving down the list and send the next letters so I hope by maybe tomorrow we could get an answer? It sucks waiting I tend to be impatient but that's the only thing we can do at this point. I'm sure people declined their spots if they applied to other places so we just have to keep hoping! 

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