College of the canyons spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs



i just applied to COC RN program for spring 2017 and am seeing if anyone else has also! I have also applied for moorpark and thinking about applying to Glendale as well. Should I be studying for the TEAS? I don't have a high GPA in bio (all Cs...) do I even have a chance of being accepted??

thanks for any replies ������

Here is my personal email [email protected] =)

Thanks for posting! Here is mine [email protected]. I am attending the November fire safety class. Anyone else going to that one?

I got in! YEY!! see you on november 4th! :up: BTW just to clarify, we'll only be going during spring and fall semesters, correct?

hello! i might go to that class if work doesn't offer one

Yes, only spring and fall semesters unless you start a BSN program concurrently than you go in the winter and summer. They will talk more about that at orientation.

Is anyone thinking about going for your BSN? Also, does anyone know what hospitals were doing our clinical?

Oh ok! Thanks! I might just take my BSN at National University since I believe it's mostly online and I took my pre-reqs there. I'm also planning to take history maybe in the winter/summer

Yes, I am planning to attend as well. Good idea to get it done!

I am not planning on doing a BSN program while I am earning my RN. That would be too hectic for me. I have 3 kids and family stuff to juggle, so one program at a time is good. I will do it after my RN. In a perfect world I could find a job and then get my BSN...

When I sat in on the first week of classes. My section was going to Holy Cross. The other section was going to Valley Pres.

Hi guys, does anyone know how many hours a week we have to be in school during the first semester? I need to juggle school and work so I would like to know. Anyone else have a full time job?

The first semester is tough. You are in class everyday for at least 4 hours. The longest day is almost 8.

Do you have a sample schedule? I was wondering that as well.....

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