College of the canyons spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs



i just applied to COC RN program for spring 2017 and am seeing if anyone else has also! I have also applied for moorpark and thinking about applying to Glendale as well. Should I be studying for the TEAS? I don't have a high GPA in bio (all Cs...) do I even have a chance of being accepted??

thanks for any replies ������

@bg04 I hope you get into your top choice!

Congratulations everyone who got in!!!

I got in too!! I am so thrilled!!! YAY!

Congrats to you all!!!

Looks like I will be joining you guys for orientation on November 4th! Can't wait to meet everyone ☺

I got in. I'm so excited :up:

Wow I wish I would have known about this thread a long time ago! I just got selected as an alternate also. Crossing my fingers someone got accepted to a different school and declines coc's acceptance. Lol.

Does anyone know how many alternates are usually accepted or how many people usually drop out?


Congratulations to everyone that got accepted! I also got my acceptance email. I am excited and anxious to start my checklist and attend orientation on Nov. 4th. Alternates do not give up! I applied last semester and was accepted as an alternate. They will tell you where you are on the list at orientation. Don't call now because the office is crazy busy but if you go back to the office after they will let you know. I was #18 on the list and over the summer I moved up until I was one of their stand in alternates. I was able to attend the first week of classes just in case someone decided the courses weren't for them. A lot of people decide to attend elsewhere so try not to be discouraged. Make sure you print out the paperwork and attend orientation because that is mandatory. I am so happy and really crossing my fingers for the alternates. I 100% know what you are going through!!

Also...I started at #18 and by the time I attended orientation I was #11. 7 people had already declined in that short amount of time.

I got my regret email. It sucks, but I have to hang in there. Congrats to all who have made it. And to those like me who did not get in, lets keep on fighting.

Hi All,

Sorry lakuti, I know this is hard. I hope you are accepted at another school or with COC in the near future. Keep pursing your dream.


So 3alanizmonkeys and for those of you trying to access the orientation checklist/new student info where is it? I do not see any info I can access. Any assistance would be appreciated!

Have a great day!

I am sorry to hear that lakuti! Did you apply anywhere else? Hopefully you will be accepted to another program. Keep at it, never give up!

I clicked on the link about halfway down on the acceptance email. Have you attended COC? If you have all the paperwork is under files in Canvas. If you haven't attended COC, you can log on to Canvas with your student ID (the name part of your email), password "student". I have canvas as an app on my phone which is really helpful.

Thank you, I can now access the files. For some reason they would not open before. It would be great to chat and possibly meet so we can help one another as we prepare for this exciting journey!!

Have a good weekend!

That sounds like a great plan!

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