College of the canyons spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs



i just applied to COC RN program for spring 2017 and am seeing if anyone else has also! I have also applied for moorpark and thinking about applying to Glendale as well. Should I be studying for the TEAS? I don't have a high GPA in bio (all Cs...) do I even have a chance of being accepted??

thanks for any replies ������

Nothing yet. I'm getting nervous í ½í¸°

I remember getting emailed several days in to the time window they had posted last semester (I was chosen as an alternated for fall 2016, but a seat never opened) Their office gets really busy around this time because there are hundreds of applicants. Im not nervous yet, just anxious. My points are not super high so I don' really expect to get in based off my points, which makes my odds even smaller. Good Luck guys!

I am nervous too! I hope they start sending those emails soon. Good Luck everyone!

I have 63 points overall. I am hoping it is enough. is coc your first choice?

When I took the TEAS they posted on the board that notifications would go out on October 20th.

Hi all,

I called the school earlier and they said the 65 points is very competitive. Does anyone know how to calculate gpa from all schools you've attended?

my stats are

72 teas

4.0 sciences

and either 3.4 or 3.5 overall gpa

I asked what the cut score was the last two years for COC RN acceptance and they stated 59 and 61 were the bottom scores that made it into the program.

I believe you can google college GPA calc and figure out your GPA quickly online. It is different because the credits vary, with a 4.0 in your sciences, I wouldn't worry too much. chances look good for you.

I have a question. How do you exactly compute the points?

is it

3.5-3.9 is 20 points


3.5 - 20 pts

3.6 - 21 pts

3.7 - 22 pts

and so on.

I am confused

RNxoxo heres the break down for the GPA points, im not sure if your asking about core or over all but I hope this helps. so if you have a if you have a 3.8 you use the score thats attached to the 3.5. there is no 21,22,23 ect points. They may consider your actual GPA when it comes down to choosing between a group of equally scored points, so if hypothetically you and I have the same number of points and there is only 1 seat left and I have an overall 3.7 GPA and you have a 3.8 GPA you would most likley get the seat over me. does that make sense?

Core Biology GPA


3.5 and above =20

3.0 and above =15

2.5 and above= 10

Overall GPA

4.0 =20

3.5 & ^ =15

3.0 &^ =10

2.5&^= 5

RNxoxo heres the break down for the GPA points, im not sure if your asking about core or over all but I hope this helps. so if you have a if you have a 3.8 you use the score thats attached to the 3.5. there is no 21,22,23 ect points. They may consider your actual GPA when it comes down to choosing between a group of equally scored points, so if hypothetically you and I have the same number of points and there is only 1 seat left and I have an overall 3.7 GPA and you have a 3.8 GPA you would most likley get the seat over me. does that make sense?

Core Biology GPA


3.5 and above =20

3.0 and above =15

2.5 and above= 10

Overall GPA

4.0 =20

3.5 & ^ =15

3.0 &^ =10

2.5&^= 5

Got it!!! That's what i know too but then a friend of mine told me otherwise thats why i got confused. Thank you soo much! :)

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