College America - Denver


Specializes in Long Term Care,Cardiac Care,Pediatric..

So I heard that College America has a Associates of nursing program and I called and asked when they started it and they said April 2010 was the first opening of the degree program. Does anyone know if this school is any good? I am trying to research but cannot find any info on it for the Denver campus. They have no waiting list and no one seems to know about it at my work. Any thoughts?

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

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Specializes in ICU + Infection Prevention.

Thank you sirI! :)

OP, this would be the 10th RN school (and the 17th program) in the Denver area. The economy really does not need this school. So consider that the grads from the other 9 schools are having trouble finding jobs before you decide to plunk down time and cash for a brand new For-Profit unaccredited school (there's already 3 of those).

Specializes in Long Term Care,Cardiac Care,Pediatric..
Thank you sirI! :)

OP, this would be the 10th RN school (and the 17th program) in the Denver area. The economy really does not need this school. So consider that the grads from the other 9 schools are having trouble finding jobs before you decide to plunk down time and cash for a brand new For-Profit unaccredited school (there's already 3 of those).

I have to go to a community college because I am paying for school on my own. I cannot go to a private school or profit school. I was just wondering if anyone out there had any information on this school. I found out it is 45,000..that is too much for a 2 year degree. I'm not sure if I even want to get into nursing anymore because of so many schools with too long of a wait..and no makes me depressed. :crying2: I'm taking my general classes as of now, how about you SummitAP? Are you in a nursing school right now? Just curious on your situation.

Specializes in ICU + Infection Prevention.

CNA/PCT gives you a leg up on jobs, but it still sounds hard. :)

Community Colleges are the best bang for the buck apart from a public university where you can get a BSN (more marketable). The BSN programs are all merit based, so no wait, but you have to be the best of the best to get in.

If you need to stay in the Denver area, you choices are UCD or for a BSN and CCD for an ASN.

Colorado has 6 public university traditional BSN programs that I am aware of: UCD, CUCS, UNC, CSUP, ASC, and MSC (that's Mesa, not Metro which only has ABSN). There is also a private non-profit university, Regis University, where I am going, but it isn't cheap. For ASNs, there's many to choose from.

I'm starting my BSN program in August. I'm praying the market improves by the time I finish, but things aren't looking up yet.

Specializes in Psych.

Hi OP! Believe it or not, I was actually in their first nursing class, I love this school, and am considering going on for their BSN program.

Pros= CollegeAmerica is a school that is passionately invested and cares about all their students. You will get your own, free laptop computer, your books are free, you will get free scrub tops & pants & other equipment, they listen to their students, the staff is friendly & caring & their financial aid department really works with you, unlike many other schools in the Denver area. They also have state of the art equiptment & labs.

Cons = 1.) They are not REGIONALLY accredited -- YET. Once each person from my class, the premier class, passes their NCLEX, they WILL BE accredited. So far, four have passed. The other six, (including myself,) are still waiting to take their


2.) Like most, (if not all,) other nursing programs, there is drama. It's very intense. VERY INTENSE. We have seen a lot of staff turn over & they have been through a couple of directors so far. It's not an easy job. The current Dean/Director is AMAZING & I love her to pieces, but she has a big job.

My advice: Give it a couple months. Wait until they get regionally accredited.

I'm a graduate of Denver School of Nursing from last year and I have many friends still in school there in both the BSN and ADN programs that love it like I did. If you look at the NCLEX pass rates on the state board of nursing website you'll see that only a few schools had higher pass rates than DSN for either ADN or BSN in 2011. I know it's not a state school, but I feel I got what I paid for and I have a great job. Good luck to you in your search RN2BKS!

Specializes in Long Term Care,Cardiac Care,Pediatric..

Thank you Nursedenver! :)


I'm concidering going to College America for my nursing degree. Do they prepare you for the exam. I'm 50 years old and desperatly seeking a new career. College America is the only local school that seems to fit. I think I can get in soon and it's excelerated. Any coments out there about this program?

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

I would never plunk down that much money for an unaccredited program.

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