COC - College of the Canyons - Spring 2014


I'm starting this thread for everyone applying for COC's spring 2014 RN program. Please feel free to join in. We're all in this together! For anyone who's thinking of applying, the deadline for turning in your transcripts and requesting your prerequisite evaluation is tomorrow!

I'm an LVN hoping to get into the LVN to RN program. I applied last year and received an email notifying me that I qualified for the program but that they didn't have the required 20 qualified LVN applicants to offer the class. Booo hooo hooo... Oh well, I completed all of the General Ed classes in the meantime and have my fingers crossed for this time around :-)

I'm a little nervous about the TEAS V test and am starting to study for it. I read that the test is pretty challenging. Yikes!

I look forward to hearing from my fellow nail-biters!

Did anybody's uniform ship yet from dove?

Not that I've heard. I assume they will email us? So much for the 27th -_-

Hey everyone, sorry for being late to the party. My name is Mike, I'm doing the CSUN bridge program and I'm in ---------------'s class starting on 2/10. My clinic is at Kaiser Panorama Hospital. Those in my section with ---------------- should know he sent us an email at 1815 hours detailing what is to come for us. I saw people talking about the uniform and his lab schedule instructs us to wear our uniform the 2nd week. For those starting on the 7th good luck and to everyone on starting on the 10th I'll see you then.

Hello all, I am an LVN for about 5 years now and am interested in the LVN-RN program in COC. I'm currently taking my prereqs and will finish by the end of the year. I'm planning to apply in the program by next year. I would appreciate any input and suggestions for those who have applied or are currently in the bridge program. Is it easy getting in the program? How was the process?

Hi 2dawn!!

I am am looking into doing the Lvn to rn program through college of the canyons and I was wondering how long the program is? I have heard that is two years long after having prerequisite courses finished? Is that correct? I see in the handouts they give that is is only three courses plus the transition course so is it possible to finish it in a year (two semesters)? Thank you so much!!! :)

Specializes in CNA.

I am starting my first semester in Fall 2014.

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