cno language proficiency

World Registration


hello. is there anybody here tried to appeal their language proficiency to cno registration committee after not making the minimum benchmark? I tried appealing to cno and already submitted a letter a week ago together with other requirements. thanks

Did they also siad in the letter regarding not satisfied something I have a letter bit I also sent additional documents too 


Have anyone of you guys received the email to register for your license. I’m in the same boat as you guys.




Hi Huda,

I am still waiting. I will keep you updated if I receive my result. 



Hi everyone, I am in the same boat in which you are. I  am still waiting for a response from CNO to wave off the Language proficiency. Can you share your timeline with me? Can you please response back!

Specializes in RPN.
On 1/19/2021 at 2:29 PM, aman preet said:

hello in submitted in April 2020 but they send me email which I attached below I am afraid cno waive my LP or no I alreadt sent self letter


Hi could you plz tell me.. wht is your result for language proficiency? 

Hi Jass, 

my language proficiency was approved last month. did you get meeting date?


Specializes in RPN.

No dear just one email like review of commitee will meet on specific date bla bla..

How many mails u recieved after sending docs?

3 minutes ago, roop said:

Hi Jass, 

my language proficiency was approved last month. did you get meeting date?


How long it take ?? I send me docs in jan 2021

, I got only two email one same like this with specific meeting date. Which date they are going to do to review my language proficiency. And other one if I have updated one experience to send them . 

Hi roop,

Can you please share your timeline for your language proficiency?



Hello guys,

Hi I just saw you online comments.

I have same situation like CNO sent a letter that says they are not satisfied with my documents so they gonna refers to committee. Is there any chance that it get approved? 

Yours approved?


Please and thank you

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