CNA very upset


I am a Certified Nursing assistant I have been one for almost 40 years. I've been there and done it. I've seen it all. Our work load is getting harder and harder everyday. I decided to take the night shift thinking it was easier but it isn't. I have been finding it hard to get out on time in the morning and the supervisor talked to me about it.

Well to the problem. To me it's a big problem. I got fired May 23. The 7-3 gal found one of my residents laying soaking wet in bed. I didn't see it but they said she was wet from head to toe. The problem is is that she has a urostomy. The resident told them that I spilled urine all over her and left it for the 7-3 gal to clean it up. I emptied her urostomy in the graduate about 700cc's drained out and I poured it down the toilet. I never spilled a thing on the resident. I was already home when I got the call that I was fired. I asked if they checked her water cup and they said no. Well I got fired anyway and now they reported me to the board of nursing and I am being investigated. I just found another job this time I am going to agency to work. I'm done in nursing homes.:crying2:

Specializes in Med-Surg/urology.

We're not allowed to give out legal advice on the boards..but I just want to say sorry that you're going through this :( I hope things work out for you.

Wow, almost 40 yrs and this happens, thats unfortunate. I would think after 40yrs you'd have the respect from management and coworkers alike.

I never get respect. I hate to say it but the younger CNA's take over the place. The management like them around it looks good for business. The day shift is like a Romper Room shift. I am on the working shift. I really think the CNA that took over at 7am did something to sabatage me. I had a resident on a bedpan and it was time for me to clock out and she said you can't leave until you take her off the bedpan I said "I have to go my shift is over". She got very angry at me. I've seen her angry before. So I was wondering if she made that resident wet because that woman was totally dry, warm and sleeping when I left. If she wasn't she would have been yelling. The woman also is not totally with it in the head.

Specializes in Med-Surg/urology.
I never get respect. I hate to say it but the younger CNA's take over the place. The management like them around it looks good for business. The day shift is like a Romper Room shift. I am on the working shift. I really think the CNA that took over at 7am did something to sabatage me. I had a resident on a bedpan and it was time for me to clock out and she said you can't leave until you take her off the bedpan I said "I have to go my shift is over". She got very angry at me. I've seen her angry before. So I was wondering if she made that resident wet because that woman was totally dry, warm and sleeping when I left. If she wasn't she would have been yelling. The woman also is not totally with it in the head.

Not to take the other aide's side..but you just left the patient on the bedpan? Are there repercussions for not clocking out on time? If there aren't...I don't understand why you couldn't have just waited to clock out until after you had taken the resident off of the bedpan...

no actually this resident puts herself on the bedpan and you just have to empty it. Yes all of us were being written up for not clocking out on time. No overtime at all ever they don't even pay for a 40 hr week. All this day aid had to do was empty it. It was already past my time to go. by 15 mins. Nursing is a 24 hr operation. WE have changing of the shifts. The gal just doesn't get it. I wasn't going on a break it was the END of my night shift. I would never go on my break and leave anyone on a bedpan or toilet she was taking over...when does the the job end????????? I loathe nursing homes and I am done. Its like a sweat shop. The residents suffer dearly.years ago the nursing homes were not like this. The aids got respect. We are over worked and grossly underpaid. I got a job with an agency paying almost double yes double than what I was making in the nursing home. they say in July the Aid to resident ratio is going to up again now we are going to have more residents to take care of. I had 25 working nights. When does it end? They are not getting the proper care anymore. they have LTC mixed in with rehab who are a/o x 3 who are demanding and are on the lights all night. That takes away from the LTC to give them the care they need. It nuts!

they are trying to fill the beds so they mix LTC and rehab together. The trend is changing. Rehab used to be filled on the other side of the building.Now its full of dementia patients, fall risks, alarms going off all the time. Maybe the nursing homes are screwing over Medicare I don't know. The LTC ones are staying on that side for a lot longer than Medicare allows. Don't really know and some of the rehabers want to go home and the nursing home and Pt won't let them. They keep telling them they need more theraphy.

All I can say is wow. My only real question is what time did you put her on the bed pan, and did you document all the times that you checked up on her?

already told you she puts herself on the bedpan and turns on her light when she needs it empty. I didn't even know she was on the bedpan. Look bottom line the CNA doesn't want to do any work she comes to work angry and upset she just wants to have social gathering with the othe aids and I am done

I see what you are saying. Your biggest problem is that the management there is taking the word of the day shift CNA over your word. Frankly, your rendition of the story sounds correct to me. You tee'd off the other CNA because she was pushing you around and you did not play along, so now you are out of a job and she is laughing about it. Best to simply do a good job at your new employer and either hope this never comes up, or give them a warning about the investigation. I would wait. Most of the time, the investigation never materializes. Best wishes.

They have a few CNA's there that are down right horrible. The night shift has to get up 4 people each in the morning. but if they don't want to get up no means no and the nurse tells us to leave them in bed OMG we get these poor people up at 5 in the morning. I wouldn't want to get up that early if I was 90 yrs old would you?If I don't have them up that aid she goes off the wall and goes and tells the nurse. Like a little baby. The nurse tells her they didn't want to get up. She has fits. I think she wet that woman's bed on purpose. That woman is one of her 7am get ups when she comes in. If she comes in. She calls off so much its a wonder she didn't get fired.

they are investigating a wet bed and that I spilled urine on the bed and left it for the 7-3 aid to clean it up. How absurd. If anything she spilled her water cup all over herself. But if she did wet the bed to get me in trouble that is abuse. It is funny DCF social services never even contacted me over it. Sounds funny to me. Well I took a nice 2 week break and now off to a real job with agency they gave me 72 hrs of Hospice,

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