Announce that you passed your CNA exam here!

Nursing Students CNA/MA


in order to streamline the threads on this topic, i ask that everyone that passes their nursing assistant certification test to please post it in this thread as oppose to starting a separate one. i appreciate everyone's help with this.

:redlight: congratulations to all the cna's out there! :redlight:

thank you,


Big CONGRATULATIONS to yall..I cant wait to post mine .My first CNA class is tomorrow ..YAY!

Yay I passed my exam. It was sooo freaking hard. I had mouth care and my hands were shaking the wholeeee time.

sooo...i took my written and skills test today and i passed! yay! the written test wasn't bad at all - actually, i think my 5 year old son could've taken it and passed! it was alot of common sense stuff!

the skills were another thing...i thought for sure i failed. the skills i got were:

1. handwashing - i did fine here.

2. weight - fine as well

3. making an occupied bed - ahhh! i was so nervous that my hands were shaking! when i was done, i tucked the sheet in the bed rail and the evalutor was like "you just illegally restrained a patient" so i was thinking "well, isn't this just awesome!

4. knee-high stocking - this was fine, pretty easy actually!

5. catheter care - so instead of cleaning the urinary meatus, i did peri-care on the dummy instead! but she passed me anyway!

well, it wasn't that bad but bad enough! who cares though - i'm a cna now and what does that mean???

my spot in the rn program is officially mine now!

whoo-hoo! thanks to all the great advice! :yeah:

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I passed my CNA class......LPN here I come.:up:

Congrats yall =]..Im sooo happy for yall. Last night someone made an annoucement to me that a cna was a "glorifed butt wiper" ...It really hurt my feelings =[. And then this person was encouraging me not to try LPN , im confused...i thouht this person was on my side . They said imputting tooo much on myself , this is my dream ..and its awfulto feel it trying to be crushed. any advice from my future nurses??? :crying2:

I passed yesterday. My new job is now secured.

Yay me!

I became certified in two states (Md & NC) within a month!

I was fine in Md since I had the support of my classmates and teacher. But I was terribly nervous when I got to NC.

I ended up completing all of my skills (hand washing, urinary output, occupied bed, assisting client to ambulate, denture care) in 11 minutes!

Unfortunately, my partner didn't make it. She was so nervous she ran out of time. I felt awful.

I found this on another thread ,wanted to share ...very touching=]!

"CNA's are the backbone of every facility. We are the eyes and ears of the nurse. Without CNA's the facilities would have to close. Nurses are wonderful I have no doubt but the CNA is the hands on caregiver and in some cases the only person the resident really trusts. Yet we are underpaid, sometimes treated as part of labor department and because we dont have the college degree sometimes we are not considered real nurses. I worked at a facility once where an Rn made a statement that CNA's didnt need to hear the change of shift report because they werent part of the nursing depart. That nurse was told to apologize to the CNA's by the nursing union and D.O.N. We are very special people because not everyone can share their love to others the way we do. OUr residents needs stay on our minds sometimes when we go home. That special treat they wanted or the new game they tried and liked, or the saddness we felt in our hearts when the long lost family member didnt show up for the residents birthday etc. We listen to our residents most intimate feelings towards their family and their fears of dying. So remember We are angels from heaven the ones who tip-toe into the rooms at night to place that extra blanket on our resident because we know he or she will be cold. And when they are passing we are the ones who hold their hand when their family cant be there.


I am doing the happy dance since I passed the state board with a 96% for both the written and the skills!

I am so glad that is behind me! Now, it's time to get a job and start the next phase... the nursing program.

Not many people understand how much this means to me and how nerve racking it is to be watched by a RN test observer while you are giving someone a bed bath! I was in a total sweat. The model for the day said her blood pressure was hard to get, but I said to them, " I can get it let's just try." She was 90/56, and that's what I heard so that's what I put down. I also had to do hand washing, (of course) weighing an ambulatory res, and mouth care. Thirty minutes flys by! Glad it's done and so glad to find this site to vent my happiness. Good luck to all of those who are about to take their boards.

All my best,


:nurse:Congratulations...One step closer to your dream=]!!!


i passed my exams today! officially a certified nursing assistant. i'm soooo excited! hope to be an lpn, or rn sometime soon. wish me luck, and congrats to everyone else who passes as well!:yeah:

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