Cleveland anyone?

Specialties CRNA


Anyone going to Cleveland for the annual AANA meeting August 5-9??

The majority of my class is going....including myself!! Anything to get out of clinical for a week, right? :lol2: (Disclaimer: This is totally a joke and I love every minute that I spend in the OR in case anyone from my program is reading this).

Specializes in Nurse Practitioner/CRNA Pain Mgmt.

I'll be there!

I'll be there also.......completely understand the week off from clinical, AmiK25!

I will be there as well, although I will certainly not be attending the keynote address from our former "Coward-in-Chief." He still turns my stomach.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

I'll be there! Made my hotel reservations a couple weeks ago.

I'll be there. Of course, I live in Cleveland, so it's not much of a stretch for me.

Most of our class seems to be going. Me and a group of guys just got our flights and hotel rooms.

Specializes in I know stuff ;).

I had considered it. If i find out im accepted I might go with my wife to check it out. Ill make sure and meet as many of you as possible if i go.

I need to read more carefully before starting a thread. HeartICU. How is the nightlife in cleveland? Where are the spots to go on friday/saturday? Got my hotel room and registration is in. Anybody think the airway workshop is closed already?

I will be there as well, although I will certainly not be attending the keynote address from our former "Coward-in-Chief." He still turns my stomach.

I'll definitely take the Coward over the Idiot right now.:rotfl:

Ole' Billy must be raking in the dough. My nephew is graduating from Princeton and Hillary's hubby is his keynote speaker too. Wasn't Clinton's mother a nurse anesthetist?

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