Clep Exam


I have been wondering why the CLEP exam has not been talked about on the BB. I took the clep exams in 1972 and earned 27 semester hours just from life expereince. I have no idea why I was awarded 3 semester hours in Physics as I had never taken a physics coures in my life. I missed passing one subject, History, Why I have no idea, I think it was something to do with Thomas Jefferson and that cherry tree. Anyway, here is the link from the College Board:

Home > College Board Tests > CLEP: About

About CLEP

Shorten your path to a college degree -- with CLEP!

The College-Level Examination Program® or CLEP provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses. There are 2,900 colleges that grant credit and/or advanced standing for CLEP exams.

Why take CLEP exams?

By taking one or more CLEP exams in your strong subjects, you'll...

Save time. Get college credit for what you already know. Be rewarded for what you've learned through independent study, advanced high school courses, noncredit adult courses, or professional development.

Save money. Compare the cost of a CLEP exam, just $50, to hundreds -- even thousands -- of dollars in tuition.

Make college more interesting. Move right into advanced courses.

Graduate on time. CLEP can help you to the finish line if you're a few credits shy of graduating.

Satisfy a proficiency requirement. Demonstrate you've already mastered the content of, for example, a basic math or language course. Great for dual-degree candidates or students just a few credits shy of graduation.

one thing about CLEP...even though a school will allow CLEP exams, make sure the NURSING schools allows them. I've come across a few schools where the nursing program would not acept any CLEP.

CLEP was one of the best things that I have found out about since I began my studies. My entire BSN program is only taking three years because of all the core classes that I was able to CLEP. I am very thankful that my nursing school allowed it! I would strongly suggest it to anyone. I am going to graduate with a BSN in the same amount of time that it would have taken me to complete an ADN. Taking those tests saved me so much time, and since I am a single mother, I need all of the time that I can get! Anyway, I had to put my two cents in when I saw this post.


Yep. I CLEPped out of several math courses and a couple of English courses when I got my "first" degree. Saves a lot of time and money.

Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.
I have no idea why I was awarded 3 semester hours in Physics as I had never taken a physics coures in my life.

Well now you got me thinkin'.

I never knew you could pass a CLEP on a subject you never had or knew much about. Maybe I should try it for Human Growth and Development (was planning on doing it online this summer). I think I'll talk to my advisor (whoever that is?) :rolleyes:

Thanks Barb! :p


Great idea. BTW get to know maslow and the hierarchy of basic needs and you will blow the growth and Development exam out of the water. There are many things out there for age realated care.

Good luck


Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.




Self-actualization :chuckle

I'm ready to CLEP! :D

Thanks again!

Back to the books (nursing ones that is).

I'm in an ADN program at Northampton CC in Pa. I CLEP'ed out of English I and II and Sociology. Saved about 1000.00 and LOTS of time. The ARMY paid for the test's so it was free as well. I have no idea why people take courses they have no interest in taking rather than CLEP'ing them and doing what they really need to do, like A&P, Chem, Micro, etc.... It's your time waste it any way you like.

Originally posted by Pete Mac

I'm in an ADN program at Northampton CC in Pa. I CLEP'ed out of English I and II and Sociology. Saved about 1000.00 and LOTS of time. The ARMY paid for the test's so it was free as well. I have no idea why people take courses they have no interest in taking rather than CLEP'ing them and doing what they really need to do, like A&P, Chem, Micro, etc.... It's your time waste it any way you like.

Thank you for bringing my point home. The exams are given frequently in community as well as university testing centers. I took them cold, maybe if I finally learned it wasn't Thomas Jefferson who cut down that cherry tree, and it was really Nathan Hale, just studied the clep review books sold in any bookstore, I might have passed History.

What book did you use to study for the Intro Sociology CLEP exam?

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