Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston Fall 2024 Pacesetter BSN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi guys! I've noticed that there hasn't been a forum created for fall 2024 so I wanted to go ahead and start one!

beebop07 said:

How did you know to take gen chem? I think I was using their outdated prereq transfer guide 

I used their transfer guide to see which chem I had to take. I just looked for the transfer guide on their website but it's gone. The website says you have to use the texas course numbering system now so that's weird. Hopefully the chem requirements are still the same. 

Did anyone hear back from the school yet? Also, I heard the way they schedule their clinicals is stressful, do you guys know anything about that? Thanks 

Diamondeve21 said:

Did anyone hear back from the school yet? Also, I heard the way they schedule their clinicals is stressful, do you guys know anything about that? Thanks 

They don't schedule clinicals until a month to a month and half in, and it's once per week. And it's abt a 10 hour shift only

girl1234 said:

They don't schedule clinicals until a month to a month and half in, and it's once per week. And it's abt a 10 hour shift only

Do you get to do them at MD Anderson? What do you think of the curriculum of the school thank you very much for your reply 

Diamondeve21 said:

Do you get to do them at MD Anderson? What do you think of the curriculum of the school thank you very much for your reply 

It depends on if the hospital accepts that certain school for that semester. I thinks it's very doable (but will still be challenging ofc)

girl1234 said:

It depends on if the hospital accepts that certain school for that semester. I thinks it's very doable (but will still be challenging ofc)

Does the professors test you on the material that's taught class or will there be a lot of outside self learning? Do they use PowerPoints for lecture? Thank you! 

Diamondeve21 said:

Does the professors test you on the material that's taught class or will there be a lot of outside self learning? Do they use PowerPoints for lecture? Thank you! 

They lecture and give you a ppt to follow. You definitely need to study on your own time to do well. It's a lot of material for each class every week.

girl1234 said:

They lecture and give you a ppt to follow. You definitely need to study on your own time to do well. It's a lot of material for each class every week.

I mean, do they test you based off the lectures or will there be outside material too? 

Diamondeve21 said:

I mean, do they test you based off the lectures or will there be outside material too? 

95% of the time it will be lecture material. Sometimes, in a class like gero, it might be based on other resources.

girl1234 said:

95% of the time it will be lecture material. Sometimes, in a class like gero, it might be based on other resources.

Great! Thank you very much 

girl1234 said:

I used their transfer guide to see which chem I had to take. I just looked for the transfer guide on their website but it's gone. The website says you have to use the texas course numbering system now so that's weird. Hopefully the chem requirements are still the same. 

I just looked for it as well but luckily I printed out the transfer guide and I'm going to email the person I was told to reach out to for further clarification on why it's been changed and what could be done. 

Sugatoffee said:

I just looked for it as well but luckily I printed out the transfer guide and I'm going to email the person I was told to reach out to for further clarification on why it's been changed and what could be done. 

I have contacted them, and from what they told me just make sure you have gen chem completed this Summer

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