City of Hope New Grad 2013 App

U.S.A. California



Has anyone applied to City of Hopes New Grad program for the February 2013 cohort? The application is due today, and I can't seem to find the app online. Anyone care to direct me to the right place?

Glad you're keeping your spirits up, db2xs! I graduated in December with my BSN and got my RN license in February. It has been very difficult applying for jobs and getting rejections left and right. I had an interview with Scripps before I graduated and I had no idea what to expect for a panel interview; let's just say I bombed it miserably and was down on myself.. BUT.. it made me all the more wiser as to how to prepare for an interview and stuff to enhance and delete on my resume. It is so competitive here in SoCal and there are so many of us new grads. Just keep applying and keep your head up! Easier said than done, that's for sure!

Good for you for seeing the positive in the situation. It sounds like you really learned and grew from this. Thanks for the encouragement!

Glad you're keeping your spirits up, db2xs! I graduated in December with my BSN and got my RN license in February. It has been very difficult applying for jobs and getting rejections left and right. I had an interview with Scripps before I graduated and I had no idea what to expect for a panel interview; let's just say I bombed it miserably and was down on myself.. BUT.. it made me all the more wiser as to how to prepare for an interview and stuff to enhance and delete on my resume. It is so competitive here in SoCal and there are so many of us new grads. Just keep applying and keep your head up! Easier said than done, that's for sure!

Can you give any advice for panel interviewing?

Specializes in Medical Surgical, PHN.

Lizzyxpooh, I was wondering if you already have your RN license. I will probably not get mine by the first week of June (probably won't even take the NCLEX until the end of June, actually), so I think that may be why I haven't heard from them.

I do have my BSN. Do you have yours?

The spring before i graduated I got 5 interviews after applying to 40 hospitals. Panels and everything. They didnt offer me the position bc i didnt have my license (i think). My resume was attractive (i think) but what really helped was my cna position during nursing school (i think). And grades (i think). Lol.

I took a break and just got my license so im starting the process again.

If you dont have your BSN, then there are a few hospitals who are hiring ADNs....

Specializes in Medical Surgical, PHN.

Can you give any advice for panel interviewing?

Did you get offer an face to face interview? Or panel interview?

Did you get offer an face to face interview? Or panel interview?

None yet, but as Ive learned from watching this board, people come and go. So you should ask your questions as they arise. Stcutie mentioned, she took steps to improve herself in her panel interviewing skills, and I was wondering if she had any advice is all.


I'll tell you a bit about my experience and the things I changed/added from it:

Look your absolute best (I'm sure you already know this), but, go out and buy a nice suit set if you don't already have one. First impressions are usually the lasting impressions.

I feel like this is where I made my blunder; with the portfolio. I kind of threw it together the night before the interview because I had no idea what to expect. This is what I do now: I made a professional portfolio with my cover letter and resume on parchment paper or nice business paper; everything else on regular paper. I know include letters of recommendations (try to have at least 1!), a copy of transcripts (if your GPA is high) and a copy of awarded degree, a copy of my RN license and any certifications such as BLS, ACLS, or PALS or any other certifications or accomplishments. I personally spent the extra money on a nice report cover binder thing with the see-through cover (not the 3 ring binder) and put each of my papers in sheet protectors. Make sure you have plenty of portfolios prepared to hand out to each panel member (if you think you'll have 3 interviewers, plan for 6; better to be safe than sorry).

The interview:

MAKE SURE YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT THE HOSPITAL YOU ARE INTERVIEWING FOR! Take the time to do some research about their mission statement, awards received, upcoming happenings, and the CEO! Take the time to write out questions you think they will ask and answer them so that you are somewhat prepared for questions like, why do you want to work here? What can we offer you? What can you offer us? What type of environment do you want to work in? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? etc. My mistake as well was not really researching the hospital and not coming up with thoughtful questions to ask them at the end of the interview! I still shake my head at the question I asked (it was something about seeing construction on the building. Oh geeze haha). Come up with at least 3 solid questions that engage the interviewers, not just yes or no questions.

If you are nervous, don't let them see it! Act calm, confident, and try to relax when they start asking questions. During my panel, I heard the first word of the question and everything else was like the Charlie Brown cartoon! If you notice yourself trailing off or losing their attention, just take a deep breath and relax. Just be yourself and everything else will fall into place!

Lastly, after the interview is over, get their contact information! Business cards or emails, try to remember their names if they don't have either so that you can send thank you cards or emails after. I totally forgot to get contact info after my interview! I personally think a hand-written thank you card is professional and shows you are interested in the position.

Lastly, don't get down on yourself if you do not get the job. There are so many applicants, but there will always be another opportunity. Just keep applying and take the rejection email as a way to improve something.

Just a little of what I decided to change.. take what you will :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to type this up, I really appreciate it.

Has anyone received any new info or news? I'm dying over here haha

Nada....dying here as well

Has no one heard anything? Or did people get called and are too excited to post? Lol

Has no one heard anything? Or did people get called and are too excited to post? Lol

Nothing for me!

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