Chloraprep for C-sections


Specializes in Birth center, LDRP, L&D, PP, nursing education.

I'm curious to hear from other nurses who are responsible for Chloraprep prior to a c-section. I've never done it before and am now at a facility where we are required to do it.

Do you use sterile gloves? Any resources to watch it done? I am looking to get more comfortable with doing it.

This is the most I could find about it.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Yes, you do use sterile gloves. The main difference between Chloraprep and betadine is with betadine you do not go over the same place twice. With Chloraprep, you can - just start at the incision point, going back and forth as you work up the abdomen, usually to just below the breasts, and then you go down each thigh (just a bit past the groin, not the entire thigh) and towards the mons. Don't forget to wet some sterile swabs with the solution and clean out the umbilicus FIRST, before you start the scrub.

Can you watch another nurse do it first?

At my facility we have an applicator wand that applies chloraprep so I never touch the incision area. I don't need to wear sterile gloves although I usually have on clean gloves just because.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Yes, that was what I was referring to as well - using the wand that you snap open, with the sponge on the end.

The wand is easy. I don't think there's much rhyme or reason to applying it. I start at the incision and work my way up using horizontal back and forth strokes. Most of the docs who apply it don't even wear gloves and they all apply it in different directions. The most important thing to know about the prep wand is to not touch it and wait 3 minutes for it to dry or else your patient will catch on fire.

Specializes in Birth center, LDRP, L&D, PP, nursing education.

How far down do you go? I believe we prep down the thighs too. I'd love to watch another nurse but am a new traveler, and didn't happen to get a section in my orientation day on the unit, just got to watch the counts and learn the pacu for a few hours. I jsut want to make sure that I do the best job I can. I know to put on the apgar timer for 3 minutes before they can start.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

Sterile gloves and same application area as klone mentioned. We do it twice.

Specializes in OB, OR.

We have the wand, and don't touch the field, so clean gloves are all that is necessary. When inserviced by our rep, Chloraprep was taught to aggressively friction-scrub back and forth over the actual incision area, then use wide overlapping strokes. The prep must dry to not drape too early....we let dry 4 min minimum.

Specializes in L&D.

We have the wand and use sterile gloves. It's very easy once you learn how to do it correctly.

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