CHLA Versant RN Residency September 2020 Cohort

Nurses New Nurse

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Hi! I know the application for CHLA's RN Residency Program doesn't come out until March 2nd, 2020, but I just wanted to get a heads start!

I'm planning on applying for their NICCU and was curious if anyone knew what the prescreen interview would consist of?

2 minutes ago, nnsm said:

I was going to ask if they scheduled the phone interview haha What did they ask you for the phone interview? Yea, I get you though. I wouldn't necessarily know how to feel if I were in your position. In my case, I kinda lost hope already. Have you called or emailed HR?

She asked me to tell her about myself, why CHLA, my experience working as a float CNA, why do I want to do float as a RN, why I chose to apply to CHLA over my current hospital, and what I knew about the residency program.

It was tough to answer because I didn't have the best service so I didn't even catch the manager's name. I was at work when she called me and I felt pressured to call her back ?

I haven't tried calling HR ?

No it wasn't! They asked me to tell them about myself, why CHLA, my experience as a float CNA, why CHLA over my current hospital, what I knew about the residency program and if I wished to continue knowing the program is to start in January.

I actually got a call this morning to schedule an interview!

Congratulations to everyone who has received interviews and offers now! I applied to the ED and am curious if anyone has received any updates besides the HR email explaining that they'd be contacting us up until August?

I applied to ED but haven’t heard anything yet other than the update about the change of the start date

Anxiously waiting to hear from HR after interview with Heart Institute. So please share if you hear from them *fingers crossed* Good luck!!

Also waiting to hear from HR. I had my interview with Heart Institute last week Friday. Hopefully we hear something soon! Good luck to everyone

Has anyone heard anything from HR yet from the Heart Institute? It's been a week so I am trying to figure out if they have made offers yet.

No nothing yet! Friends of mine who applied to other units said it took 10 days to 2 weeks to hear from HR after their interview. ?

oh WOW!! Okay. Well that makes me feel better then. Hopefully we all get some positive news this week! Thank you for the update.

Has anyone heard back from the ED yet?

Has ANYONE heard from Med surg??? I emailed HR two weeks ago about not hearing back and NOTHING.

I have not heard anything from Med Surg.?

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