chemistry minor while BSN program?


Hi all,

I really enjoy chemistry and I'm considering getting a minor in chem while I finish my BSN. Is a chemistry minor worth anything to employers? Is it a total waste of time?

Specializes in MSICU.

Do you want to work as a RN? If so, then waste of time in my opinion. If you are imagining some other career down the road, I'd still just concentrate on the BSN and maybe consider a graduate degree in chemistry down the road or something.

I thought of doing a psych minor when I was in school for my BSN. I still took many extra psych classes but actually getting a minor was not doable. Just concentrate on your degree and take some extra classes if you can. It did help me keep my GPA high enough to graduate with honors.

Specializes in Chemistry/Physics Teacher at a community college..

I currently have a student who is seeking her nursing degree but also taking more advanced Chemistry classes. Her ultimate goal is medical school, which requires Chemistry and biology coursework.

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