CHEM-101-Online-Summer-09 Study Group

U.S.A. Indiana


Hello Everybody!!

I thought I would go ahead and start a thread for the CHEM-101 online class for the Summer of 09.

Hopefully this can be a place where we can help each other out if any of us get confused!

WHen the class first started there were 60 ppl on the roster. Today there ae 55. I guess 5 dropped. Interesting. I wonder if they got their book and got overwelmed or what.


So, I was able to get back into Blackboard and it shows that my quiz was submitted, but there is no grade. Did you guys have to wait on your grade or did it come up immediately?

I just did the first lab, did it only take you all less than 10 minutes (3 questions only) or am I missing something.?

Yeah. I think that is all it was. I only did the three questions and it only took me a few minutes. It was actually kind of fun.

Yeah, it wasn't bad at all! I guess I was thinking it was going to be really involved and take an hour.

I saved the report will the teacher automatically received the report or do we have to send it to him?

We have to submit it through latenitelabs after saving it. Click on the button that says Submit Report.

I saved the report will the teacher automatically received the report or do we have to send it to him?

Oops, nevermind I looked at the previous page posts

Is anyone here taking micro thru TH? If so are you as confused about the lab reports as i am?

Is anyone here taking micro thru TH? If so are you as confused about the lab reports as i am?

A few of us are taking that course. Should we start another thread for it? Have you posted a question on the BB forum for the instructor? What's your question?

Yes I posted a question on BB today, she hasn't replied yet. On the 1st lab report you have to paste your info on sample B & D from the blast. On BB she said she wanted "sequencing numbers compared to the hits" included I wasn't positive on what she meant by that. There is a chart w/all these red lines that describes the bacteria. She said we would have to copy & paste from the blast. I worked on this report for four hours and I am still not done. I am freaking out about this thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

We must be in different sections....I couldn't find your post. I will be working on the lab over the next couple of days so if I can help I will get back to you.

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