Published Jun 15, 2011
55 Posts
hello all,
took my nclex yesterday at 8am...just do i get my resulst?!?!!? I got the "good pop up" BUT i want to kno wofficially lol
i know you can pay 8 bux or seomthign through pearson ..after 48 hours? but does it exactly have to be 48 hours? and is that the same thing as "checking BON"
help i m nervous lol:o
38,333 Posts
When you get your license in the mail you will know you have it. You are getting wrapped up in the process instead of being glad that you passed and will be getting your license soon. Start looking for a job and be prepared to have your prospective employer verify your new license with your Board. Congrats on passing.
517 Posts
No, paying $8 is for unofficial results via Pearson Vue. It's called Quick results and you can buy them just after logging into your account. Most (all?) state boards of nursing have a website and you can go to "License Verification" on their website and look yourself up. if you're listed there, that is considered "checking BON" and being officially licensed. Some states will mail your paper license, some won't. No one can tell you that you officially passed NCLEX except your state BON.
Quick results...isn't showing up yet on pearson...but I guess that's because it hasn't been 48 hours...right?
19 Posts
In Ohio we can look up our license online. It shows up the next business day after passing. We no longer receive a paper license, employers view/print them online.