Cheapest NCLEX Review Center in Manila?

World International


Hi! what is the cheapest but good review center here in manila?

any recommendation pls..thanks.,:specs:

if i remember correctly, urc charges 18,000 for comprehensive review. that's 20 days monday-friday 9-6 plus another 6,000 for 10 days of final coaching. it's in guadalupe if i'm not mistaken.

Merge-URC 12k for 20days Comprehensive Review for NCLEX and 5k for 10days Intensive final coaching. :up:

Try to inquire from SRG (beside PRC), I think before it was 15k for a 4 month everyday review. I reviewed with Miami, it was the cheapest during that time at 11k but I'm not really sure how much they charge now.

I suggest that whichever review center you choose, you have to do your share.. you have to really read and understand it will definitely help you hurdle your NCLEX. Goodluck! :)

how about pentagon and much is the review? :rcgtku:

do you know affordable review centers yet offer quality teaching?

Bargain hunting for your career is a bad move.

Remember that only 45% of all NCLEX takers from the Philippines pass; that is partly to do with the delay that nurses here have between graduation and being able to take NCLEX but it is also because of the fact that nurses need a sort of bridging course between what the Philippine nursing schools teach and what is expected for a nurse to know in NCLEX.

Make sure your instructors have REAL experience in the USA as nurses.

Make sure the source material is US based.

Make sure you are not a dot in a massive crowd.

Watch out for gimmicks.

SRG waves a big flag, but I have not seen anything from them that is impressive.

Other review centers like Allgen and Rachell Allen are on the upper end of the price scale (between P20 and P25 thousand) but they have unlimited repeat of live lectures and limited class sizes to ensure that you really get all the information straight. Additionally the source material used comes from the USA and is validated by US nurse educators.

Those are the criteria I look for when I refer nurses directly to review centers.

Do the research, look deeper than the advertising glitz.

CENE is a fantastic nurse review school yet they spend practically no money on advertising, they are all UP graduates and USRNs teaching the NCLEX course and they have developed course programs for other schools and review centers.

Look for quality to make sure that you get your career off right, don't just look for the lightest one on your pocketbook.

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