how you do charting???

Specialties Operating Room


hey, just wondering if anyone out there has or does use surginet to do their charting. Right now we are using this ancient system that takes me a total of 3 minutes to chart even the biggest of cases. Starting next week we are going to this surginet program that on the average takes me 45 minutes of UNINTERRUPTED work during practice sessions. I am sooo not looking forward to this. I am spread so thin as it is now....


Specializes in OR Hearts 10.

We use Meditech, crappy DOS program, but can chart relatively quickly. It was very slow getting started but now most of us can chart anything except a case with a ton of implants in less than 5 minutes.

Good luck and have fun :-)

Computers are supposed to make life easier, but unfortunately they make life harder for circulators. Most O.R. software is very poorly designed.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.
We use Meditech, crappy DOS program, but can chart relatively quickly. It was very slow getting started but now most of us can chart anything except a case with a ton of implants in less than 5 minutes.

Good luck and have fun :-)

Oh, I hated Meditech!!! We used it in the ER! I'm not sure what system is used in the OR where I will be working, but the main hospital used a form of EPIC (the OR has not switched over). I'm excited about it. I worked in the ER just before the transition and was a trainer/superuser for EPIC, so I am going to try and do that again when the OR switches over.

Specializes in surgical, emergency.

About 6 months ago, or so, we switched from paper charting to McKesson.

I'm getting faster, but it's still slower than paper charts!

I've heard that now that we are getting this system under our belts, within the next year or two (or so) we will be getting yet another system!!:banghead:

Word has it that it's down to two systems, one that is easier for us, the other nicer for the IS staff, but a bear for us!

I do like it in some ways, but, sorry, being in the biz for 30+ years, I still do not completely trust electronic charting.

By the way, we carry small laptops around with us, and chart off of those at the bedside, break room, etc.

For the record,,,,I've not "dropped" mine yet! :icon_roll


Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

We use Picis. It's nice because we had the option to use "defaults" individualized to cases/surgeons. IE, for an appy, the local the doc uses is already filled in, we just have to fill in the amount, positioning is already filled out. We also have it set up that if a piece of info is missing, an alert pops up when you hit save. It's nice because it cuts down on missing documentation. Other than cases with a lot of implants, I can do my documentation in less than 5 minutes.

We use Meditech too. It IS ancient, but it has all the stuff we need and it's pretty easy. For some routine cases, we even have it set up so we can load a lot of the default values right up front rather than entering them all by hand. Makes it nice when the case is something fast like a straight cystoscopy where the chart would otherwise take longer than the actual procedure.

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