Published Dec 8, 2018
4 Posts
I am just finished up my second semester in an ADN program. We have a class of 30 or so students and after speaking to a classmate, she said that the charge nurse on our med-surg unit was tearing my clinical group apart to her (she is part of a different clinical group). It went beyond "they aren't a strong group," and more into "student A will never make it as a nurse with her personality. Student B is not very smart." I shrugged it off to being unprofessional. Then I realized that the charge nurse is also a clinical instructor for another clinical group in our class. While we do evaluations at the end of the semester for the clinical site, is this something that should be mentioned to someone within our program? I find it distasteful, unprofessional, and quite honestly, disheartening in a field that already has you questioning your abilities to make it through. Thoughts?
CelticGoddess, BSN, RN
896 Posts
I'm going to tell you what I once told a tech when she came to me to complain about what another person was said to have said: Don't get involved. First off, unless you actually heard the instructor/charge nurse make the comments, you are going to have a hard time explaining how you heard about it without dragging another person into it. And second: You might very well be putting a giant target on your back.
I am not dismissing what was said. It is highly unprofessional. If the person who actually heard the conversation is willing to report they should. I would just keep your nose clean.
Horseshoe, BSN, RN
5,879 Posts
If you didn't hear the conversation yourself, you really should not be reporting it to anyone.
Tenebrae, BSN, RN
2,010 Posts
I recall an incident that happened as a student.
One of my clinical group came up to me to ask me about the screaming arguement I'd had with one of the doctors.
I looked at them smiled and said "I had an argument with a doctor? Thats news to me". Apparently another of my clinical group had been spreading it far and wide about how I'd had a massive argument with a doctor in the nurses station
Moral of the story? Unless you heard it directly yourself, dont do anything. Because you will look like a right nob if it turns out to not be true
Thank you all so much! I will definitely not be addressing this further. I appreciate your feedback.
Hoosier_RN, MSN
3,965 Posts
The person who reported this to you may be creating drama. Ignore it