CEU's,Nurse Conferences.


Does your Pdn agency pay for some nurses to attend nursing conferences,or do they give you access to a website for Ceu's(paid ones).Yes,I got a ringing out on another board about how its important,and let's just say I understand the consequences and was embarressed(the good thing,I have a yr until license renewel,so I can catch up now).However,while I'm not making excuses, I have attended 6 inservices last yr(some for training on new vents,charting, professional boundaries,family dynamics,etc..). No Ceu's were given.These courses weren't even required,but I thought they might broaden things for me as far as understanding.Its easy for people who work in buildings to accumulate Ceu's,because anytime they attend an inservice,more than likely they are also Ceu's. I wonder why the aegncy just doesn't get their inservices Ceu certified?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

One agency offers their own CEU online plus in person seminars worth up to 30 CEUs This is a widespread national agency. There are monthly education seminars also.

The other is a multistage regional agency that offers a third party online CEU service to eligible employees. There are occasional seminars worth CEUs for inservices from vendors such as wound vacs, GT mfr, vent mfr etc.

I choose to work for both of these agencies because of reputation, education opportunities, and clientele. They are different in structure but cure values are the same.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Both have non CEU annual competences for infection control, nursing bag/ supplies, mandated reporting, professional boundaries, charting requirements, MAR documentation

Specializes in Peds(PICU, NICU float), PDN, ICU.

My agency doesn't pay for them or any classes unless we get the scholarship they offer. It's up to $1000/year.

I go online for mine and use one that offers unlimited classes/tests and also gives lots of topics so I can make it relevant to my work.

Once worked for an agency where they instituted giving CEU credit for inservices, unfortunately, this soon fell by the wayside. The individual doing the training got too busy and the office personnel failed to keep up with the clerical requirements. External employees showed no interest, so it all came to an abrupt halt.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

A lot of the online unlimited offerings like nurse.com offer specials & coupon codes & list the CEs by specialty. (Pulmonology, pediatrics, home health , private duty, risk management etc)

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