CCC-NP Waitlist-2013

U.S.A. Connecticut


I wanted to start another thread rather than tying up the other one. :)

So, I figure we can post our stats, and our waitlist number (when we get them) and use this thread to discuss what we can and/or plan to do next.

For me:

  • 89% on TEAS-V
  • 3.6 GPA/NGPA (all my courses are required for the program)
  • B- in A&PI
  • B- in Chemistry
  • The rest of my grades were A/A-
  • I don't know my number on the waitlist yet

I have an A- right now in A&PII, I'm not sure if it will be necessary to take A&PI again to get a better grade.

I suppose I could retake Chemistry. Or take Bio-Chemistry which is often required for a BSN program. A better grade in this would raise my GPA.

I could also retake the TEAS-V to get a higher result as well.

I'm curious how many were admitted off the waitlist last year.

Commence whining and wallowing in self-pity:

I have been nose to the grindstone for the last year and a half. I have been driven by only one purpose and one goal, to get into THIS program. I didn't apply anywhere else. I have already survived one nursing program for 18 months and finished in the top of my class. I have agonized my entire school career over any grade less than an A-.

I have sacrificed time with my children (five of them, ages 17, 15, 11, 10 and 7), I have neglected my fiance, my friends, my extended family, my house and my health. I have been hyperfocused and stressed. I have sacrificed work and therefore money in order to commit more time to studying. I have denied my kids the material things they want.

I promised my children, my friends and my family that ALL of their support and their own sacrifices to help me achieve this goal would be worth it.

Telling all of these people that I love that I didn't get a seat was the worst news I have had to deliver. I feel like I have let them down. I have let myself down. I know it would be easiest to just wait and see what number I am, maybe I will still have a chance. Waiting and seeing is not where my skill set lies. Getting things done. Setting a goal and achieving it. That's what I do. I have never NOT accomplished any goal I have set to accomplish. I am type A and OCD. :yes:

I do the math in my head; 160 seats, 75% by rank 25% by lottery so 120 seats ahead of me by rank, 40 seats ahead of me by lottery. And who knows where I'll end up on the waitlist. Not only am I not in the top, I could very well be at the very bottom. It's really hard for me to swallow this. It makes me question my ability to be a vehicle to get to where I want to go. When I have done my very best, with more effort invested than I ever have, and it's not good enough. It rattles a person's confidence.

The only thing that will make me feel better is establishing and beginning the work of moving toward a new goal, which I am still trying to figure out. I was caught off guard by not considering the idea that I wouldn't get a seat. This is my own fault and I will from here out always have a Plan A, B, C through Z!! :blink:

I've been knocked off-kilter a bit but I'll get back straight again soon enough.

/whining and wallowing in self-pity

Hey, I sent one back but its not saying that I sent anything. Let me know if you got it or if I should retype it.

Sooooo has anyone heard anything?

I was number 4 on NVCC waitlist. Got the call last week from hartford and accepted a seat!

Brittani-are you doing the bridge program this summer and applying to start the 3rd semester in the fall, or are you just starting from square 1 this fall?

I just tried to post but i will try again! I chose to do micro this fall, charter oak in the spring then start semester 3 next fall 2014. I have the option to start this fall and although that sounds appealing, working full time takes priority right now and will give me a year to save up before semester 3 starts at 4 days a week. I will have to take alot of time off of work to do semester 3 & 4. I could have done the 8 week micro and charter oak course this summer then start this fall 2013 however I would prefer to take my time and get the grades I need!

I look at it like I am bypassing the first year and doing microbio and charter oak bridge course in the mean time.

I called yesterday and was told that they got up to number 5 on the far.

They have already moved down the waitlist quicker than last year. I know people who received calls last year over the Summer.

Oh boy! I'm keeping my head up. I taking it as I was number 10 and now I am number 5. I'm sure some people accept their seat then later decline it instead of declining it right away, which is what the first 5 did. People are stilling waiting on other schools to make their decision. Taking the seat right away ensures they will have a backup plan already in place, rather than being left with nothing if the other school doesn't take them.

Another way to look at it is as the semester is about to be over soon, some people are depending on getting the ap 2 grade they need as well. If they didn't get the grade they need there are more spots. Also people may have other things come up or get accepted to one of the hospital accelerated programs and choose that one instead. It is still really early. Advisors told me that top 10-12 is a good spot to be in.

Thanks BrittniLPN-RN! That totally makes sense too, although there is time in the summer to replace a bad a&p grade, there may not be open spots in a class . Not that I'm wishing anything bad on anyone else, I just think its good to think about all the possible outcomes.

I was also wondering when the deadline to sign up for nursing101 is this year. I read in another year's ccnp thread that if students aren't signed up for or have paid their fees/dues for the class that the seat would have to be given away? Is that true and does anyone know what the deadline date is?

For NV, we have to register by June 1 for NU 101 otherwise we will be withdrawn from the program. When we register we have to pay for the fees ($441), but tuition isn't due until Aug 3.

If someone didn't "make the grade" for A&P II now, they can't try again over the summer and still keep their seat for this fall. They would have to re-apply next year.

There are also lots of other deadlines that we could miss and be withdrawn from the program. It was kind of scary when I first read all of it! So many chances to screw up! LOL

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