CCAC FALL 2018 hopefuls and more

Nursing Students School Programs



This is being created for the CCAC nursing students who have applied to the Fall 2018 semester. I saw one that was created for the Spring 2018 and thought it would be great to connect and share information for those of us that are hoping for this coming Fall.

So, when do you think we will hear back if we got in or not?

What were your TEAS scores?

How many of you have taken the prereqs and supporting classes?

What campus did you choose and why?

Is this your first career or are you looking for a second career?

I'll put my answers in the comments below. I look forward to connecting with you all and am excited to hear about your adventures!

With much anxiety and waiting, I got into the nursing program at South Campus Day!!!!

Fantastic! Congrats!

Congratulations!! And you're spot on. I also did not have A&P 1 and 2 and Micro, but I got in to the evening program at allegheny!!

Thank you! Congratulations to you too!

Hello Everyone!

I am so happy I found this post, I am freaking out about these acceptance letters!! I haven't recieved mine yet and I'm starting to get really nervous. I emailed Amber Reed but haven't heard back yet. I sent in my application in January and Amber verified it was recieved but haven't heard anything since then. I'm hoping I will hear something soon. Congratulations to everyone who has recieved an acceptance letter so far!!

Informed delivery says nothing AGAIN. :( congrats to everyone who has gotten in so far! I just keep hoping my letter will come at some point soon...

Just found this site. I have been reading through this thread and to those still waiting on a response you're not alone! I am still anxiously awaiting and hope to hear something by the end of the week!

For those who have accepted their seat, have you gotten any other information on what to do besides fax the acceptance in?

For those who have accepted their seat, have you gotten any other information on what to do besides fax the acceptance in?

I got some info with my offer but I suspect more to come. This is only the beginning. Try not to rush these moments...they are so temporary. Soak in this moment of's a beautiful step into the next part of your story.

Just found this site. I have been reading through this thread and to those still waiting on a response you're not alone! I am still anxiously awaiting and hope to hear something by the end of the week!

Hang in there! The best things come to those who wait..

For those who have accepted their seat, have you gotten any other information on what to do besides fax the acceptance in?

My acceptance letter stated that I would receive further information from my campus. I assume that once everyone accepted either accepts or denies their seat then they may begin sending out information for orientation, background checks, and physical and TB paperwork. I agree with airasalia that we should enjoy the fact that we were accepted :)

Thanks! I'm trying to be patient

I just want to say I can't wait to meet my Allegheny evening classmates!

Ok. I have a question for my evening/weekend friends. I was checking out how my schedule will pan out and took at look at the Spring/Summer/Fall courses that have been offered. When looking at the clinicals for NURS 250 (our final nursing class), I noticed that their earliest time is 12pm start. Does anyone know how they do this course? I know it's only 5 weeks, but I'm looking for information that anyone may have about working around this 12pm start. Do they offer it in summers? Can you extend beyond 5 weeks by starting at a later time in the day to make sure you still get the clinical hours? The reason I'm asking is because I do work full time. I know this isn't going to be a problem for another 2 years, but I need to know what to expect so I can start saving money or planning for the transition now. Any information you may have would be helpful. Hopefully someone knows someone that had the same situation and can give me info on how they did it.

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