Castlebranch question-HELP

Nurses Criminal


Hello! First I hope everyone is having a great day today. I have a serious question and would love some insight. I got accepted into the nursing program at my school but I have a slight problem. The school uses Castlebranch for background checks, I do have a misdemeanor that happened 6 years ago. I am in the process of getting it expunged, I already have the signed final order from the judge and I am just waiting for the state police to remove it from my record. The only problem is that my expungement was signed in December 2023 and the state police is currently processing February 2023 so it will not be done in time for me to take the criminal history background check in August. My question is, do you think that Castlebranch will accept my signed final order? Since I literally am just waiting for the state police? Has anyone had this issue before? Please advise. I hope I was clear enough in my explanation. God bless you all, thanks! 

Just wanted to give an update and a testimony! The Lord cleared my record! I was so nervous because I had worked so hard for this and even deferred a year to give time for my record to fully get expunged but the state police is so backed up that they still needed more time. So here is when God showed me who he really was and defied human rules! I had called the state police in June and BEGGED them to please process my expungement, I even had my lawyer email them explaining my situation and they will denied my request and basically told me that it was not going to be done in time for August because my final order was signed so late in 2023 and they were just in the beginning of 2023. So I went into deep fasting and prayer because my Lord Jesus has never failed me (and even if he didn't do this for me I would still praise him). So then in July 27th, the Lord gave me a word, Colossians 2:14 "He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.” JUST WOW!  I couldn't believe it, so much so that I doubted it came from God and still continued to pray and fast. Then on August 1st, I had to pay and submit my background check order...I was so nervous and discouraged. And on August 2th, my results came back AND MY BACKGROUND CHECK CAME BACK CLEAR!!! ALL GLORY TO GOD HE DID IT!! Just sharing this to tell you to never loose faith, pray without ceasing, and give your life to Jesus, he will take care of us in every situation and will meet you in anywhere you are in life. He loves us and died for us. I will be starting my program this September!! AHH! 

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