Careplan help: effective breastfeeding



I am doing my careplan on a 2 day old normal newborn and am having problems coming up with client goals (I need 2 short term, 1 long term). My nursing diagnosis handbook is mostly geared towards the mom and has left little for the infant. Does anyone have any online resources that are helpful, or any ideas themselves? Thank you in advance.


Specializes in ED.

What do you think some appropriate goals for a newborn would be? And what is normal?

Break it down and see what you come up with. What milestones would we be looking for a breastfeeding infant to do in 2 days? At 1 week old?

Specializes in Infusion.

So from a mom's standpoint, I would say that it is very important that the baby is latching on to mom's nipple appropriately. Making sure the baby is making the appropriate number of wet diapers and passed meconium (unless passed in utero). Watching for color of skin for jaundice. Babies normally lose weight for the first few days to week because mom doesn't produce milk for a few days. Expect 10% weight loss from birthweight and then weight gain. Look into how many days/weeks it should take for baby to get back to birth weight. Watch for problems with reflux/regurgitation of milk. Color of poop should change once milk comes in and again, the mom/parent should keep track of poopy diapers.

Goals for a breastfeeding mom/baby.....

1. Baby will be feeding on demand.

2. Baby will not take a pacifier (or any artificial nipple) as this can interfere with breastfeeding.

You got good input above so I won't go further, lol...but you get the idea. Good luck!

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