Can't Find a job!!! This wasn't supposed to be this hard!

Nurses New Nurse


So there is a nursing shortage, is there not? Why can't I find a job? Has anybody else experienced this? Is the economy this bad? Granted, I am only an LPN and I literally got a license number yesterday. The thing is I have been applying for jobs since September in preparation for graduation and I'm not really even getting any calls back. Maybe they passed over my application becuase it had no license number and now it will get better? Most of my friends have been able to get jobs already, though. I graduated number 1 in my class from a good PN school and got into an even better LPN to BSN program which I am starting in the Spring so I can't understand why I can't even get anyone to call me back. I'm starting to think that there must be something that I am doing wrong. Please let me know if anyone is having/had a similar experience, has any ideas about what I'm doing wrong or what more I can do, etc.:banghead:

Its not much better around Northern Virgina for RN's right now. Ive been looking for a job at every major hospital in the area and have only received one phone call back.

When I was in school, the instructors mentioned several times how many opportunities there were for RN's around this area. What they neglected to say was that everyone wants EXPERIENCED RN's.

Nobody saw this crummy economy coming(except a few smart analysts), which is partly to blame. I have no idea what to do now as the new grad orientation programs seem to come in cycles and I cant really afford to wait until the next ones start in May.

Try your VAMC.

If anyone is going to keep on hiring it will be the VA or DOD hospitals. (DOD hospitals do hire civilian nurses.)

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

Now I am really getting frustrated. All the places I've applied to as far a Graduate Nurses go are saying that these positions are for May 2009 grads and won't even be starting until June. I can't wait until June to get a job. No one seems to take into consideration that a great many of us have been seeking for well over 8 months. If I have to wait until June I will have been searching for employment for a year.

Sorry, but I had to vent. Back to your regularly scheduled thread

Specializes in long term care, psychiatric setting.

I am still applying at various places. I even attended a job fair last week. I have 2 more to attend this month. I too cannot wait 8 months to a year for a job. The nursing profession supposed to be a recession-proof profession. YEAH RIGHT! Good luck to everyone. we have no place to go but up.

Specializes in long term care, psychiatric setting.

Last week, I was called for a second interview. next wednesday, I have another interview from a different employer. that'll make it 3 interviews since I graduated in august of 08. at least things are looking up. lol.:smokin:

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

I've actually had a few phone interviews. One they almost immediately decided not to select me for the internship (I say almost immediately because my interview was at 11am, by 430pm I had a declination email). One interview looks promising and I have another tomorrow morning. At least I am now getting interviews.

Specializes in long term care, psychiatric setting.

Good luck zoobyli

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.
Good luck zoobyli

Thanks mswhite. I am still thinking there is something wrong with me that is turning off employers, but other than my job history I don't know what it is. I'm just hoping I finally can get something.

Specializes in long term care, psychiatric setting.

there's nothing wrong with you. its the economy. nurses that are working are experiencing cut backs in their hours. I attended a medical career fair yesteday just to be told (and over heard others) to be told that they are not hiring anyone currently. only one person in my class is working as an LPN. and that is because she was a CNA in the same hospital. keep your head up high and continue to apply. there is only one way to go from here....up

I have the same situation. I graduated last August, but it wasn't until January 6 when I passed the NCLEX. I was waiting to study and solve some family issues. I'm a RN and have 3 years of experience as a ICU hospital corspman in the navy. However, it seems like now we are in another age. In my area, all hospitals require new graduates to start in the GN program. I think that is not the bad part -it means more training. But I think that before graduation at school we should be told that we needed that program. If I would know that, I would planned my time different. Now, I have to wait until April when the new program starts. I'm not sure if it is the same for LPNs, but you should consult about the LPN programs.

I'd just like to say one thing you might consider. I never do online applications or stuff like that. If I find a place I'm interested in, I call and make an appointment with the DON and go scope the place out. If they like you, that's a foot in the door. Then you can speak knowledgeably about their facility, and you can tell them what unique and irreplaceable advantages you will offer their very fine establishment.

Also, network, network, network. Call your classmates who got hired and see if they can help you. Call your mom. Call your teachers who liked you. I get hired because of my irresistible charm (naturally:smokin:) but my son gets jobs by working the system. They get dozens, hundreds, or thousands of similar online applications. You have to find a bit of an edge, a way to make yourself stand out.

And for those of you with military experience, RUNNNN to the VA. You have a big advantage there.

Edit: Also, consider working as a CNA while you are looking for work. In my area, a good CNA makes almost as much as a beginning nurse, or doctor's office nurses. I kid you not. If that doesn't work, go to some LTC and offer to work as an RN for LPN wages. Bargain with them a little. In no time you'll have a year's experience and then the doors will open a bit easier.

I hope that helps. It sucks being broke.

Specializes in long term care, psychiatric setting.

Good points cobweb. I went on an interview 2 days ago. they decided to hire me. however, I will start as a CNA since this job deals with children who need intensive care. After one month or so, they said that they'll switch me to LPN status. then, I have to train for 3 months. They are waiting for my references before I can start. therefore, everything cobweb posted is correct. thanks a bunch!

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