Published Jul 19, 2020
3 Posts
I have been waiting since the middle of June for my ATT. The NJ BON shut off their phones so they cannot be contacted that way so the only way I can get in touch with them is through email. I have probably emailed every address possible multiple times trying to comprehend why I haven't received my ATT yet. Over two weeks ago they responded saying my application was approved and an ATT was issued but Pearsonvue has not received my application approval yet ( Pearson's customer service has been great). I cannot get in contact with NJ BON and really just want to take my test asap and don't know what else I can do to get in contact with them since they aren't in office due to covid. They just need to send over the approval to Pearsonvue and I do not understand why it is taking so long and I am at a loss for what to do.
Farberglar, ADN
9 Posts
I have this email for the administrative assistant, Dianne Scott, at the NJ BON: [email protected]. Try to email her and ask.
Good luck.
12 minutes ago, Farberglar said:I have this email for the administrative assistant, Dianne Scott, at the NJ BON: [email protected]. Try to email her and ask.Good luck.
thank you. She's actually the one who emailed me over two weeks ago saying my application was approved and an ATT was issued. I have reached out since but I'll probably email her again.
TheDudeWithTheBigDog, ADN, RN
678 Posts
I'm on day 20 for waiting for my paperwork to get fingerprinted. I'm going to be living in NJ by the time I can finally finish my application for a license. They're awful.
But they are calling back and emailing back. (took 3 weeks for a response) If you have to, email them every day until you get a response, and call and leave a voicemail if you can ever catch the mailbox not being full.