Published Oct 21, 2004
17 Posts
Hi there! I've been reading many posts on this forum trying to figure out and have a better understanding of what type of GPA the CRNA schools look at, but the more I read, the more i get confused. Sorry I am far from going to CRNA school, but want to know all I can to be prepared for the future. Anyway, I would like to know what do you guys mean when you say overall GPA, BSN GPA, and Science GPA. Right now I am hoping to get in TWU nursing school with a 3.87gpa pre-reqs for the BSN program. I am wondering when you guys say overall, does it mean the pre-reqs gpa and the last 60 hours of nursing school add together, or even the classes I took at a community college that doesn't have anything to do with nursing? For instance, right now I am taking bio 1 just for fun since I will not be going to nursing school till spring 2005, will they look at what I made in bio too or just the science classes I've taken for BSN program? Also when you guys say nursing GPA, does this refer to the last 60 hours at nursing school? Thanks in advance!
apaisRN, RN, CRNA
692 Posts
I posted a similar question not long ago and the consensus is: it varies. Each school has its own way of calculating science, nursing and overall GPAs. My advice is to do as well as you can, since once school's over you won't be able to change it much. After that you have to focus your attention on other things that look good, like GREs, community service, advanced certificates.
Thanks for replying! I know that what I need to do in the future is concentrate on nursing school and make good grades. But I would like to know about the science GPA b/c I made A's in micro and AnP 2, but B's in Chem 1 and AnP 1 and so if these science classes are what they are going to look at also, do you guys think I should re-take AnP1 or chem to have a higher science GPA?
422 Posts
you don't need to retake courses you got a B in. that is a good grade. don't stress too much about grades. many people get accepted into school with a gpa ranging from 3.0-4.0 because there is more taken in to consideration than grades. granted this differs also from school to school. but i think you are on the right track so far and should continue to do well. best of luck.
Just a CRNA
126 Posts
In our program, we look at your GPA and calculate it 3 different ways. The first is overall, which will include all undergraduate hours. The second consideration is all math and science courses, and the final is the "last 60" semester hours attempted. We expect that the M&S GPA and the last 60 GPA will probably be higher than the overall. Hope this helps.
3 Posts
Hi!!!! I was wondering what everyone considered competitive GRE scores were? I have been searching online and it seems to be a REALLY wide range--some schools list their minimum as being 800 and some have an 1100 minimum----I took the GRE last night and was just curious if I need to keep studying and retake it-I got a 1090. Thanks!